i hope this is the right place for this topic. i've looked and read, and looked some more, and don't want to clutter up the board unnecessarily, but..
..i was looking for someone who might be interested in playing on-going counseling sessions for a kid~character with an eating disorder. maybe an hour once a week? so like, a counselor, or psychiatrist, or i dunno.. do pediatricians do these things? i've asked around, and no one seems interested. it's possible that the idea freaks people out? i dunno. it's just a character, storyline thing. i'm not looking for real~life counseling.. heh. and, my character's parent would be there, too. i think they have to be there, since she's seven? i'm not sure how this works, realistically. anyhow.
thanks for reading, and please IM me any time if you're interested in this kinda' storyline.
i'm gemma bodenhall in-world.