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Hathian General Hospital

Public Group  |  active 3 weeks, 3 days ago ago

Life saving staff of Hathian General.

Business Proposal: Hathian Walk-In Clinic for Non-Emergency & Faster Access

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Kamingu Resident Venus Hemlock 8 months, 2 weeks ago.

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Profile photo of Kamingu Resident

Venus Hemlock


Let's face it. This business proposal of [Hathian's Medical Walk-In Clinic] for Non-Fatal Emergencies and easier Access to getting those tedious Medical Exams, Physicals, etc; is something we all can see we NEED. Hathian's General Hospital I noticed, once getting a physical and examination, as well as an STD test and full-blood work.....Well. Let's just say this all was done in the Emergency Room. Of the General Hospital. And as soon as I (IC) was starting my question/answer process with an un-named Nurse; she left my RP to go attend (rightly so) to another patient. The patient in question was badly injured, on a gurney, and carried in by not only the Fire Department and HPD Officer. Now, this would be no issue, normally. However, for about a couple-ten minutes I was left wondering if I should now RP myself getting checked-up and blood drawn from? Or if that would be stepping on toes. I was happy, when finally, a nurse did come up to me (crutches and all) and she helped my process of the examinations and urine tests (among other things) move along. However, I think and I PROPOSE that we as a community decide to build and make a new "Hathian Medical Clinic" that walk-ins would be more that welcome to use. They would care for things such as RP piss exams, drug tests, allergy attacks, administering inhalers/oxygen for asthma patient, trest colds, test for viral illnesses, as well as Bacterial Illnesses, and so on. Physicals, and those pesky initial check-ups, as well as many other things; could be done at this Clinic under the Supervision of a Clerk or Nurse at the front, and One or Two nurses working in the back along-side a Physician with a Doctorate whom would handle little things, and more of the nitty-gritty things. This is not intended to take over all that the General Hospital does, just intended to lighten the load and create help for smaller issues; as well as create more job oportunities. This is just a short example of what we could do. And revision will be needed. Thoughts on this new proposal everyone? How would easier access to your medical care when non-emergencies arrived in your everyday life; Make you feel?

Venus Hemlock

February 4, 2024 at 4:09 pm
Profile photo of Kamingu Resident

Venus Hemlock


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Venus Hemlock

February 6, 2024 at 2:05 am
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