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Brave men and women of the Hathian Fire Department.

Why you dont screw with FDH

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of tellermyeroldrich Anonymous 15 years, 5 months ago.

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This coulda been you.

[2009/08/29 23:23] Mialeta Caylan hops out of the medic and circles around the back, grabbing her jump bag from the doors and heading over to the vehicle to investigate.
[2009/08/29 23:23] xantos Blaisdale sighs stepping up to the back of the rig grabbing his jump bag taking a close look at the scene
[2009/08/29 23:24] Tellermyer Oldrich: Upon the FDH's arrival, they would discovered the tipped SUV perched upon the ledge of the bridge, the engine throwing out heavy thick black clouds of smoke. For some reason, god had a sense of humor that day, this being the same patrol car she used to run over the 10 or so protestors and now Karma was striking back hard. The rear left tire spun lazily of its own accord, a beeping sound reverbrating across her head as she slowly came too her vision heavy and cloudy. Upon her eyes clearing he would see a large inlet of water, and would slowly open her mouth wider and wider letting out a low moan. She reaches over checking syd before she unclips her radio from the dashboard when the funniest thing happened, it went straight up into the air as if it was posessed. It was then she realized she was upside down and she glared at the crumpled roof. "Oh fuck..." She mumbled before trying to call for help, lances of pain sprouting from various areas in her body. After the call she shifted slightly in her seat, the
[2009/08/29 23:24] Tellermyer Oldrich: Creaking of the car on its roof magnified in the empty silence. "Aw shit," she grumbled, realizing that when she tried to move the car would as well. It was lierally inches away from being off balance and tipping over the edge. She finally resorted to staying absolutely still, the pain firing into her as she waited for help to arrive. In the meantime she tried to remember what had caused her to crash before she remembered the now upended cup of coffee on the ceiling.
[2009/08/29 23:25] Sirus Plunkett jogs up the bridge as he keyed in his last transmission, going past the ambo and a few feet back from the wreckage, "Well, fuckin' hop to, got officers down." he called out, pointing to the turned over SUV, a sigh escaping as he shook his head. He had to put a stop to these fucking idiot cops walking around wasted....which was the likely cause tonight, taking a step back as the SUV jiggled abit, "Jesus christ...." he said, more in the sheer amount of idiocy that he felt surrounded this
[2009/08/29 23:26] Syd Vyper feels the vehicle rock as he shifts to glance over his shoulder at the rescue personnel. He was in a daze but alert enough to know to remain still until they could secure the truck. He glances over at Teller, wiping sweat from his brow, "Close one, huh?" As he moved his arm up, he felt a sharp pain around the elbow. Quickly bringing his arm back down he notices blood on his hand where he had wiped his forehead.
[2009/08/29 23:29] Hazmat Fargis would come trotting up to the accident, and drop the generator on the ground next to the suv, and place the spreaders on the tarp dlee laid out. He would start the generator, and look at his new probie "hey xan, go grab a set of irons off the truck, and the cutters!" Haz would walk over to the vehicle and look at how stable it was. It wasnt. They would need to stablize and secure the vehicle to the bridge to make sure it doesnt move. Haz would look at mia and say "go get the rescue jacks, and the chains, we gotta secure it."
[2009/08/29 23:29] xantos Blaisdale nods "yes Sir" he says dropping his bag headed for the truck to grab the items
[2009/08/29 23:29] Mialeta Caylan leans down to peer into the vehicle. "Two victims, trapped inside, Probie! Let Truck 2 know we need an extraction before we can treat anyone."
[2009/08/29 23:32] xantos Blaisdale heads back over with the gear "Haz!" he says setting ther gear down "Irons,cuters, resuce jacks and the chains" he says getting them to the tarp "fuck this shit aint light" he says out loud keeping a close eye on the SUV
[2009/08/29 23:33] Tellermyer Oldrich wraps her face with her hands as she lets out a little, "Oh fuck, I am so screwed for this." She heard the car creak once more started breathing heavily, "Ohh fuck," she mumbled again, "Stay where you are you fucking car, dont even fucking think of tipping on me!" She screams in anger at it, causing it to creak forwards a little more, "Oh fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck."
[2009/08/29 23:33] Sirus Plunkett scratches his balls and does his epic short post hoping they just push the fuckers over
[2009/08/29 23:36] Dlee Babii heads up turning on his various lights so he can light up the area before dripping all the crab he carried on the tarp. He'd look over to xan who drops the shit and laughes calling out "Better get get used to it probie" he'd then pick up his cripping and a sledge hammer walking over to the car muttering out loud "fucking female drivers, Hey plunket can we just push this shit over and say we never heard or seen anything" He'd then laugh as he lays the cribbing in place starting to tap it under the car with the hammer
[2009/08/29 23:36] Syd Vyper hangs in the seatbelt, pinned against the crushed passenger side door. He hears Teller scream as the front of the vehicle dips. His vision is blurred as blood begins to flow profusely from his forehead. Trying desperately to shift weight back towards the rear of the vehicle, he moves his knees up to the dash to push himself back against the seat.
[2009/08/29 23:38] Sirus Plunkett looks over, "Actually, yeah push this bitch dead fucking serious." he explained, nodding to him, "Maybe they will get their heds outta their asses, thats a great idea. Ill mark the call down as false." he smirked, hoping to god he was for real, crossing his arms over his chest. "Trust me, we could use one less fucking rook driving, I told Ethan this shit would happan....fuckin cops" he muttered the last part
[2009/08/29 23:38] Mialeta Caylan moves back to let Dlee, Hazmat and the new probie work on the extraction. Not being 'fire', she will have to hover in the background until the victims are free to be treated.
[2009/08/29 23:41] Tellermyer Oldrich glances in the half smashed rearview mirror and spots Sirus, Hathians number one prick extraordinare. Well fuck, she thought, he just had to be around to see this. She eyes Syd bleeding across his eyes and automatically reaches for the center console when once again, she is screwed up by the orientation of the car. The hulu dancer she normally had on the dashboard was gone she noted, having rolled out of the window and dropped the 40-50 some feet to the water.
[2009/08/29 23:41] Hazmat Fargis would help dlee secure the suv with the rescue jacks, wraping the chain around it, trying to keep the car from moving anymore. Once the car was secure, he would take the spreaders and shove them into the tiny crack inbetween the driver and rear door, just like when he shoved his massive dick and split teller inhalf that one night he was doing that drunk'n dare from dlee.
[2009/08/29 23:44] Syd Vyper shakes his head at the careless banter going on outside the vehicle. While he agreed with the sentiment about Teller's driving, this was no time for joking, especially since his ass was teetering on the edge of the abyss. He sees Teller fumbling for something in the dash. "Don't fucking move! You're gonna put us over the edge!"He thought to himself, "this was the last time he'd ever ride shotgun with her."
[2009/08/29 23:45] Dlee Babii grins hearing sirus and calls over his shoulder "if only we fucking could" He'd then heave back with the hammer busting out the side window, was it completely nessecary, not really, but was it fun, more then you know, he'd then call over to xan "probie grab the halogen then bust out the back window, we're gonna secure the chains around these posts because that spreader is gonna shake this bitch more then tell's donut filled ass shakes as she walks!"
[2009/08/29 23:45] xantos Blaisdale runs over grabbing a helm and jacket heading back to the vechile helping the LT "FUCK YEAH Lou" he says grabbing the iron stepping up he taps the glass a couple of time before one massive swing a loud crash of shattered glass is heard knowing teller will be screming like a baby "dont worry officer after all we are professinals" he says before clearing all the glass away "Clear Lou wrap the bitch up"
[2009/08/29 23:46] Hazmat Fargis would jam the tip of the spreaders as hard as he can into the crack again, trying to get the fucking thing in. he would open and close the arms several times, trying to get the door to give just enough for the jaws to get a good grip. Haz would hear dispatch say something about the current accident and onStar.....he would yell.."hey dlee you hear that onStar just alerted us of the accident?" Haz would shake his head and mutter "fuck gm." He would finally get the door open enough to see the lock mechanism to the door and body of the car, and jam the jaws into there, slowly opening them. the metal would bend and whine just like dlee's daughter did with her new boyfriend. Finally the metal would give away and the door would swing open.
[2009/08/29 23:47] Sirus Plunkett shrugs, looking to Dlee, "Fuckin a, just leave me the driver to throw off....ill trade you the car and the assanger for the driver and....the probie, ill throw in five bucks" he nodded, calling out over the noise, "Professional kid? This is Hathian, aint a god dman thing pofessional"
[2009/08/29 23:49] Mialeta Caylan walks into the scene and is careful as she climbs into the side of the car. "You ok there, Ma'am?" She asks as she checks to see if the woman is held in by her safety strap. "We're going to get you out of there, no worries."
[2009/08/29 23:50] Tellermyer Oldrich would lean forward slightly as Hazmat worked, trying not to get in his way. She would shake her head slowly, still not believing she fucked up this bad. zshe would look out and see dlee, "Hey, I'm glad you and Dlee gave up your naked baby oil wrestling match to come save my ass." She checks her watch, "Can't believe you made it to the party in time. You actually came on time for once, usually you like to come way too early."
[2009/08/29 23:52] Dlee Babii grins as he watches the glass shatter before wrapping the chain around the c-post like hazes mother wrapper her legs around rog when fucking him. He grins turning around to sirus saying "Fuck i'd push her over for free" Beofre hearing onstar and haz caling out "Fuckin A, this is why GM sucks cock, ford never even woulda rolled in the first place" as he walks over hearing tell he leans down bringing his hand to her ear hulk hogan style saying "Whats that tell?" before landing a firm kick to the car causing it to shake and woble on the edge
[2009/08/29 23:55] Syd Vyper rolls his eyes at the circus. He could give a shit about thick wedges splitting thighs bathed in baby oil. He wanted out of the vehicle now and was livid that these sons-a-bitches were taking their sweet time. He shakes his head and mutters "Fuckin FD clowns." He notices the female EMT crawl through the side of the vehicle, glancing over at her, not able to fully focus due to the blood in his eyes.
[2009/08/29 23:55] Hazmat Fargis yells back to dlee, while directing the probie to grab the jaws from him. "well dlee, reguardless of that make it is, i think teller would fuck up anything." Haz would scream "jaws coming through" as he lead the way for him and the probie. Haz was a extrication instructor, and would help the probie out with his first extrication. "alright kid, remove the rear door, once thats gone, were gonna cut off the back of the driver seat. Ill take care of this rear pillar for you."
[2009/08/29 23:58] xantos Blaisdale taking the cutters "starting on the driver side first Haz" he says making sure he slams them good and hard into the metal making to SUV shake "THIS MIGHT BE LOUD" he grins madly hearing the sound of metal crushing to the jaws, he keeps cutting walksing it around letting the deafing sound fill the SUV making sure to rock the jaws just enough just to be a ass "CLEAR" he yells before the back door smashes to the ground. he climbs into the back of the SUV feeling it move a bit "oh yeah now that is the good shit" he says before cutting away the seats like paper pushing them out to the ground setting the jaws down "HAZ! looks like we are ready bro" he says screaming kinda close to the officers
[2009/08/30 0:00] Tellermyer Oldrich grins up at Dlee, "Yeah fucking GM piece of shit, right. Hey Dlee did you ever get that package of Midol I sent to you? Last time I was in the station I saw you guys were running a little low and being the gold-hearted person I am I sent you guys another box." She winces as the back door crashes, the sound a deafening racket in her ears. "Holy shit Dlee, you better keep a close eye on the circus, if they find out any of their 'people' escaped they are gonna be after your ass like Haz when he sees a black guy in assless chaps."
[2009/08/30 0:03] Mialeta Caylan looks over the woman as she hangs there, taking in her obvious injuries and smiles pleasantly at the woman. She pulls some latex gloves on and fishes a swab and alcohol from her bag as well as a seringe. "Ok, honey, I'm going to give you a shot and it will reduce any pain that comes from moving you, then I'm going to hook you up to a c-spine and stretcher." She swabs the woman's arm and pushes the needle into her arm and waits for the sedative to hit her and knock her out. Well, it would make her unaware of the pain. It would also get her to shut the fuck up. She puts the seringe back in her bag and begins with setting up the c-spine.
[2009/08/30 0:04] Hazmat Fargis trots over to the medic to grab all the C-spine equipment, including a backboard. "alright kido, were gonna slide the backboard in underneath his ass, and strap him in tight. then cut the seat belt, as soon as that is done, we can flip him over onto his back and bring him out. got it?" Haz would position everything next to the vehicle, and crawl inside to help strap the guy in.
[2009/08/30 0:05] Dlee Babii just shrugs already bored calling out "tear that shit up" he'd then hear tell continue to run her 14 year old mouth off and calls out "you just don't learn tell do you?" with that he'd take the sledge and slam it into the car causing it to leans forward so much the chains get yanked taught the only things keeping it from going over he'd the mutter "stupid fuckin bitch" he'd then turn around calling out "can some one please put a cock in her mouth.....or just shoot her?" he'd then just shake his head saying "fuck this i quit" and walks over to the car wipping out his fat cock and and pissing on the car watching the dark yellow stream bounce inside the car being chased by a strong odor of urine and steam before finishing and walks back to the truck calling out "gator aid break"
[2009/08/30 0:07] CDPD/FDH Radio Hud: Fishtown:garbled transmission: Truck 2 on scene, got a police vehicle over turned on the bridge, 15 will have command, hold all incoming
[2009/08/30 0:08] xantos Blaisdale nods "got it Haz" he smiles to Syd "ok officer that should have known better than let teller drive...I am going to get this c-spine collar on you to make sure your neck does not move, once your stable I will slice away your belt and we will slowly lower you down. please stay calm and try not to more more than needed" he says while slowly straping the cspine around him locking into place securing the straps looking back to Haz helping set the board in place "tell me when your ready Haz" he says pulling out his belt cutter looking to haz for the command
[2009/08/30 0:08] Syd Vyper watches at the female EMT sedates Teller. He moves his uninjured arm up to his eyes to wipe away the blood. "About fuckin time. What took you so long?" He smirks as he watches the expression drain from Teller's face as her voice trails off. The sound of movement in the rear of the vehicle causes him to turn his attention to the FD guys moving through the back. "Left arm is messed up, careful."
[2009/08/30 0:12] Hazmat Fargis looks to xan and nods. haz would support the upper body of the cop who had no appreication that the only reason he wasnt getting shoved over the side was because they loved the fact they got to tear apart a fucking gm product. Haz would help xan get the cop out of the car and onto the ground so that xan could start treatment.
[2009/08/30 0:12] Tellermyer Oldrich would feel the needle entering her arm and her mentioning the relief of pain, "Hey what the fuck are you doing? You arent my doctor and Im not-... tha.." She says, sorely rubbing her arm as the drugs begin to seep heavily in, her eyes drooping closed and making her 14 year old mouth go shut completely. Yes, she still had plenty of great insults left in her system, but she was sure she could find the time later to yell at him. Maybe she'd be nice to Haz again. Maybe. She knew he was a soft little guy.
[2009/08/30 0:15] Dlee Babii returns from the truck dropping some bottles of gatorade on the tarp before cracking open the cap of his bottle and take a swig walking over to 'supervise' as he leans against the post watching everyone else work nodding to raiza "sup tites, grab a gatoraid if you want" he'd the go back to watching just not really caring anymore, oh te joys of being an officer
[2009/08/30 0:16] Mialeta Caylan walks back to the bus and gets a gurney from the back, rolling it over to get Teller loaded up onto it. She secures the woman to the gurney and sets up the IVs necessary, opening the valve to a moderate level, certain the woman isn't losing TOO much blood right now. Her vitals were steady, though a little weak, as to be expected from someone who's unconcious.... now.
[2009/08/30 0:18] xantos Blaisdale looks down at the officer grabbing and pulling his med bag over "ok sir you said your left Arm" he says pulling out a IV bag taking a swab and cleaning the elbow, he slow takes the neddle and slides it in to the vein with no issue, pulling off some medical tape to hold it down "other than your elbow Officer is any other area besides your head in major pain" he asked while pulling out a o2 bottle and wrapping the mask around his mouth and nose
[2009/08/30 0:19] Syd Vyper winces at the rescue team pulls him out the back of the SUV. His left arm dangling since it had not been secured properly, perhaps because the FD guys had heard his comment, or perhaps because they were just dicks. He didn't care now as he was safely out of the truck. He lifts his head to look about as blood begins to soak the upper layer of his uniform.
[2009/08/30 0:20] xantos Blaisdale smiles a bit making sure the o2 line is good "HAZ DONT FUCKIGN FALL OFF BRO!" he screams over seeing him going to piss taking his left arm he puts it ina splint and secures it to the board along with this other arm "alright Lou this guy is ready"
[2009/08/30 0:20] Hazmat Fargis would walk over to the side of the bridge and take a piss, to make room for his gatorade dlee had just brought. he would undo the vecro and clips and whip out his suppression hose and start letting the nice krystal clear yellow tinted fluid flow from it. when he heard xan call he would mutter 'fuck' and turn around still pissing not realizing it was all over teller. He would yell back "WHAT?! ILL BE RIGHT THERE DAMN IT!" haz would turn back and replace all the velcro and shit before walking back to the xan and the cop he had to work on. Haz was probably going to be xan's medic preceptor as well, so he would help xan get the guy all packaged.
[2009/08/30 0:22] Tellermyer Oldrich is unconscious, thats right, unconscious no two ways about it. This basically leaves her open to anything, and she hpes to god Haz doesnt try to do anythinf
[2009/08/30 0:25] Hazmat Fargis would walk back over to xan and the cop. seeing that the guy is already pretty much packaged up. "what are his vitals?" haz would then take out his Medic shears and cut the laces of each boot, up his pant legs, up his shirt and sleeves. so that all the clothing could be removed. "just relax, we have to do this, its procedure." haz would be cool and just undo the guys belt, and hand it to the other cop who was standing there.
[2009/08/30 0:26] Syd Vyper motions to the paramedic to lean over, he smirks, "Hey, you got another RA unit you can put me in? I don't want to be in the same one, if you get my drift" glancing at Teller's piss soaked uniform.
"Besides, if she wakes up en route to the hospital, I'm liable to tase her ass."
[2009/08/30 0:27] xantos Blaisdale grins quickly checking his vitals "well alive" he chuckles checking his pulse "looks to be 80/14/120 Haz he is stable" helping to check him for any other unknow cuts or marks
[2009/08/30 0:29] Mialeta Caylan jumps back so that Haz doesn't splash her. "What the fuck, Haz! I gotta try and treat her like this?" She grumbles slowly as she starts to cut away the womans clothes to be able to check her entirely for any unseen injury. She is so fucking glad she's wearing gloves as she has to touch Teller to check for broken bones. She starts to wheel the woman toward the bus, only to have the front wheel of the gurney catch on the edge of the tarp and fucking tip the goddamn thing. The front legs collapse and she stumbles at the sudden change, losing control. "HOLY SHIT! DLEE!" She tries to grab for the cot before it slides over the side of the bridge.
[2009/08/30 0:31] Dlee Babii laughes as haz pisses on tell not really caring at all. He'd finishes off his drink before walking over to mia to see if she needed help. As he got close he would trip on one of the tools stumbling back just enough so his ass was directly above tells face. As he struggles to regain his compsure his intestine lets out a huge long fart, the kind that seems to lasts for minutes and immediatly makes you vomit in your mouth a little. Oh and it was also disgustingly warm. After letting it rip for a good thrity seconds he immeiatly stands up calling out "Holy shit haz, your fire house chilli just burned a hole through my pants" he'd then laugh looking down at her fart and piss covered self before saying "We need to cut her clothes off but on second though no one should be subjected to that" he'd then watch her begin to wheel her away watching as mia almos drops her over the edge and laughes walking towards mia "Whats that mia? You want me to tickle you?" he'd then smirk not helping at the moment
[2009/08/30 0:31] xantos Blaisdale "officer I need you age,name, DOB and what do you weigh sir?"
[2009/08/30 0:33] Tellermyer Oldrich lays unconscious.
[2009/08/30 0:33] Mialeta Caylan keeps hold of the gurney, but her fingers are slippery as her gloves are unfortunately laced with Haz's piss from having to have touched Teller. "Goddamnit, Dlee, I'm gonna lose her!"
[2009/08/30 0:37] Syd Vyper turns to the para standing over him, responding, "Vyper, Sydney. DOB 7-22-1976, 6'3", 190 lbs, O positive"
[2009/08/30 0:38] Dlee Babii sighes as he contiplates what to do. On one side he could let her fall, be one less pig, be one less pain in the ass, and just be a dick or on the other hand he'd have to do a shit load papperwork, but then thats what probies are for, hm decisions decisions, but ultimately the deciding factor was that if the cot had went over the edge that 3k out of his budget, which means no samsung HDTV and no pool table so he would reluctantly mosey over to help mia drag her back up
[2009/08/30 0:39] Hazmat Fargis would double check xan's work and approve it. "good work" haz would say. "alright, lets get him loaded"
[2009/08/30 0:41] xantos Blaisdale nods hosting him to the strecher picking it up and rolls him to the back of the buggy pushing it in letting the frame fold making sure all locks are in place he hops out "NEXT!" he chuckles
[2009/08/30 0:43] Mialeta Darkwatch rolls the gurney over to the bus, after getting her back from the brink with Dlee's help. "Thanks." She shoves her into the bus.
[2009/08/30 0:48] Syd Vyper smirks and then is relieved at the EMT's brutality. He thinks to himself, "Hmmm, maybe they all aren't idiots."
[2009/08/30 1:02] Hazmat Fargis would stand there and help back the canadian driver into the alley
[2009/08/30 1:04] Mialeta Darkwatch hauls her victims out of the bus and hauls their asses inside.
[2009/08/30 1:04] Syd Vyper walks like a goon into the hospital with the orange thing of his back
[2009/08/30 1:04] Hazmat Fargis looks important and points..."her to 1, him to 2"
[2009/08/30 1:04] Tellermyer Oldrich penguin noob walks into the hospital, "Ooh we get to get treated by Mr NPC hes so highly qualified!"
[2009/08/30 1:05] xantos Blaisdale wheels Syd into room 2 tranfering him over on to the exam tabel
[2009/08/30 1:05] xantos Blaisdale: table
[2009/08/30 1:05] Hazmat Fargis: ((okay... NPC the docs, you both would be kept over night, but teller probably longer and sent to the psyc ward))

August 31, 2009 at 1:26 am
Profile photo of tellermyeroldrich



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