[4:18] Dlee Babii smirks reaching into his pocket pulling out a 20 "Probie 2, ill give you 20 bucks if you can find away to touch Shadoe's boob"
[4:18] playboy2008 String thinks that's tempting
[4:18] playboy2008 String: lol
[4:18] Sean Liamano: lol
[4:18] Dlee Babii: (probie 2 is Sean)
[4:18] playboy2008 String: I'll give ya 100 if she doesn't kick your ass doing it
[4:18] playboy2008 String: and I know
[4:18] Dlee Babii: is Sean*)
[4:18] Sean Liamano: (yup..)
[4:18] playboy2008 String: stole your spot
[4:18] Sean Liamano walks over very suspiciously to Shadoe...
[4:19] Sean Liamano: God why am I doing this
[4:19] Shadoe Ninetails looks at both probies "Do and I'll cut your fucking hands off" she pulls out her pepper spray just incase one of them is dumb enough to try
[4:19] Sean Liamano: ugh
[4:19] playboy2008 String offers a hug
[4:19] Sean Liamano cracks back into place.
[4:19] Sean Liamano: had to do that
[4:19] Dlee Babii leans over and whispers to play "Get the jump bag ready"
[4:19] playboy2008 String nods
[4:20] Sean Liamano walks over to Shadoe and reaches his hand out and touches her boob. He then runs like hell downstairs..
[4:20] : Shadoe Ninetails OOC : NO FAIR YOU GOD MODDED !!!!!
[4:20] playboy2008 String: lmfao!
[4:20] Sean Liamano: Lol
[4:21] Sean Liamano: Not going to do anything about it eh?
[4:21] playboy2008 String: Sean
[4:21] Dlee Babii: lol so godmod shoving your dildo up his ass
[4:21] playboy2008 String: Your fired!
[4:21] Sean Liamano: lol
[4:21] Sean Liamano: I'm stuck
[4:21] playboy2008 String: good
[4:21] Sean Liamano: Oh god I can’t move..
[4:21] Sean Liamano: not pretty...
[4:22] Shadoe Ninetails pulls her dagger out and goes hunting “Ohh probie, have I told you about my extremely jealous girlfriend? She’s known for torturing people for looking at me, should I call her?”
[4:22] Sean Liamano looking straight at the wall cause he can’t move, " Umm.. Umm.. "
[4:22] Dlee Babii laughs adding in "I’m down for some lesbian action"
[4:23] Jessi Noel simply rolls her eyes and watches TV.
[4:23] playboy2008 String agrees
[4:23] playboy2008 String reaches for his phone
[4:23] Sean Liamano: Help I’m stuck...
[4:23] Sean Liamano: Get the crowbars..
[4:23] Sean Liamano: OMG I SEE HER
[4:24] playboy2008 String has to pee
[4:24] Sean Liamano: good for you
[4:24] Jessi Noel: want a cookie?
[4:24] playboy2008 String gets up heading for Richards bed.
[4:24] Sean Liamano: Yes!
[4:24] Sean Liamano: Lol
[4:24] Jessi Noel: don’t piss on my bear!
[4:24] Dlee Babii: hahaha
[4:24] Sean Liamano: Lol
[4:24] playboy2008 String drops his bunkers pissing a heart all around the bear
[4:24] Sean Liamano: Umm
[4:24] playboy2008 String: 🙂
[4:25] Sean Liamano: I can explain O.O
[4:25] Sean Liamano: Hey play, you wanna come help me..
[4:25] playboy2008 String: Nope
[4:25] Sean Liamano: Damn
[4:25] playboy2008 String: I'll help her over you.
[4:26] Shadoe Ninetails uses her dagger to cut off all Sean’s clothing, taking a baseball bat and shoving it up his ass “Touch me again and I’ll tell Vikki, she won’t be as nice as I am”
[4:26] Sean Liamano: Dlee..
[4:26] Sean Liamano: OMG
[4:26] Dlee Babii winces in pain then mutter to play 'Get the bag, and the jaws..."
[4:26] Jessi Noel sighs "ill get the lube"
[4:27] Sean Liamano starts to feel some major pain, " Someone.. I’m about to.. to.. oh my god!!! IT HURTS! "
[4:28] Jessi Noel screams down the stairs "dude, just take a shit, that'll get it out"
[4:26] Jessi Noel sighs "ill get the lube"
[4:27] Sean Liamano starts to feel some major pain, " Someone.. I’m about to.. to.. oh my god!!! IT HURTS! "
[4:28] Jessi Noel screams down the stairs "dude, just take a shit, that'll get it out"
[4:28] Sean Liamano yells up to her in pain, " I DONT HAVE TO TAKE A SHIT!!"
[4:29] Sean Liamano: ((plus this bat is metal..))
[4:29] Jessi Noel laughs loudly "you’ve got a baseball bat up your ass!, shit it out!"
[4:29] Shadoe Ninetails grins "You were warned. lean your lesson yet probie?"
[4:29] Sean Liamano yells up to her, " But this bat is metal! "
[4:30] Jessi Noel grumbles "doe, use a broken wooden one next time if he’s complaining about metal, let him feel what splinters do to his rectum"
[4:31] Sean Liamano starts to notice that he cannot get the bat out either way.. its too far up in there.. He dials 911 knowing he is at a station..
[4:32] Shadoe Ninetails leans in and whispers in his ear "So was this worth the $20?" she calls up to Jessi "Sorry Captain, I just grabbed the first one I could get my hands on. I'll make sure it's the broken or spiked one next time"
[4:33] Dlee Babii orderes a pizza with seans 20 dollars
[4:33] Jessi Noel sighs softly "i dont want a prolaps, leave the spiked one at home"
[4:35] Sean Liamano: still
[4:35] Sean Liamano screaming in pain as he has to go through torture, he takes out his cellphone and dials 911. Once the operator picks up, he says, " I just had a metal bat shoved up my ass and its really up inside of there. As hard as I try to pull and push it out, It just wont budge. I need an ambulance and a firefighter with the Jaws of life possibly. My location is in Vodou at 34, 198, 35/ FD Station 2. " He then hangs up and still is on the wall and waits for someone to respond..
[4:36] Sean Liamano: Get off your asses and come help me dangit
[4:37] Jessi Noel listens to dispatch call it in, laughing loudly "you fucking called 911 you pussy, i told you how to get it out" she would chuckle and head down the stairs with a tube of lube "here" she said as she got to him "put this round your ass then push, if you really want me to pull it out, i will, but, it'll hurt worse if i do it"
[4:38] Shadoe Ninetails stand there grinning evilly laughing when Jessi shows up with the lube
[4:38] Sean Liamano looks to Jessi, embarrassed.. " Im not caring at the moment. You just do it.. "
[4:38] Sean Liamano: ((im going afk thats why..))
[4:38] HD 9200 Dispatch console FDH: FDH Station 2 Medic 3 requested for the man with a baseball bat stuck up his rectum FDH station 2
[4:38] playboy2008 String: hahahaha
[4:39] Sean Liamano: -.-
[4:39] Sean Liamano: I opened it
[4:39] Sean Liamano: lol
[4:39] Sean Liamano: FUUUCK
[4:40] Sean Liamano: WTF
[4:40] Jessi Noel grabs the bat, yanks then rubs the end over his cheek "there, go shower up fool"
[4:40] Sean Liamano: Ow...
[4:41] Sean Liamano: That hurt
[4:41] Dlee Babii: play go grab a hose of the engine
[4:42] Shadoe Ninetails hears Dlee and calls up to him "Now THATS an idea, 250psi enema anyone?"
[4:43] Jessi Noel shakes her head "ill pass! had that for the past fucking week thanks"
Hathian Fire Rescue
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active 5 months, 3 weeks ago ago
Brave men and women of the Hathian Fire Department.
Probie learns his lesson
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