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Hathian Fire Rescue

Public Group  |  active 6 months ago ago

Brave men and women of the Hathian Fire Department.

Incident Reports.

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of grayam.dagger grayam-dagger 16 years, 2 months ago.

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Profile photo of callum



Fire Department of Hathian - FDH

Incident type:
RTA - Road traffic accident

District 8, side road by the church

F/R apparatus dispatched:
Engine 1

Incident statement:
At approximately 5:50am a 911 call was made reporting an overturned vehicle in District 8 by the church with one male trapped inside.
EMT Blackadder Edmonds was first on scene, responding in an EMS response car and quickly assessed the situation, notifying incoming units that the trapped male was suffering from head and neck injuries. A CDPD cruiser by the call sign of '55 david' showed up almost a minute later, bringing officer Ethaniel Morrisey and Detective Dara Petrov into attendence at the incident.
Approximately 4 minutes later, FDH Engine 1 showed up under command of Battalion Chief Callum Mondegreen, who lead the operation of extricating the car, removing the doors, seats and steering wheels in order for EMT Blackadder Edmonds and EMT Gandi Benelli to safely secure and move the casualty to the ambulance.

After roughly 30 minutes, the casualty was free'd and transported to HGH by the FDH Medic unit 1.
All fire and rescue apparatus were returned to station and on role again by 6:25am.

Incident Photography:

June 22, 2008 at 9:42 am
Profile photo of callum



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June 26, 2008 at 10:01 pm
Profile photo of grayam.dagger



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January 6, 2009 at 4:50 am
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