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Hathian Fire Rescue

Public Group  |  active 5 months, 3 weeks ago ago

Brave men and women of the Hathian Fire Department.

Help For Probies

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of shadoe-ninetails shadoe-ninetails 15 years, 8 months ago.

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Profile photo of boysie



Carrying on with the help the noob campaign ive been up most of the night trying to think of ways to help new Probies for the FDH . since the new appication system was put into place we ( The FDH ) have had a steady growing amount of people wanting to join which is great as it improves the amount of Medical and 911 emergencys we deal with . however some of the new guys have limited RP knowledge if at all and previous practise seems to be , give them some medical and fire training then let them lose in the den , which can be a scary thing considering the quality of RP that the Den produces , so copying an idea that police forces use i had the idea of assigning the subject probie to a veteran FDH member for there probabtion period so they can pick up the skills needed to survive in the den . the Veteran officers would be responsable for there well being and help teach them to RP and deal with everyday life in the den . if any FDH member is willing to act as a teacher i would be more then happy to assign them with a probie and draw up a list of whos with who etc .

i am fully aware of the time differences between the FDH members coming from all 4 corners of the world , even if you are only with the probie for an hour a day i feel its better then just releasing them into the wilds of the den to try and fend for themselves , also it gives the probie some confidence and will come to you should they have any problems rather then just get bored and leave the FD .

If people have any questions or querys , please feel to post them here or IM me in world .

this may or may not take off but it gives help to the Probies learn about the Den and rping and we were all noobs once .

January 29, 2009 at 1:13 pm
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