As is obvious by the forums layout, for Lawyers there isn't a forum specifically for putting cases in. Such is available for Social Services.

As such I figured I'd offer a layout Lawyer players can use in Note Cards to keep case information. It is totally up to you, as the player as to whether you would like to post your case in the Civil Services forum. However I would suggest if you are sharing the case, it could be beneficial to keep an active post on the forums for all parties.

The layout is as follows, with the information filled in with a faux client.

Case Name : Markus Cail v Jimmy Tails

Clients Name : Markus Cail

Opponents Name : Jimmy Tails

Crime : Public Defamation.

Wanted Outcome :
- Public apology in court
- Monetary payout

Current Evidence : Client has provided twitter logs.

Active Lawyers on Case :
- Jerry Write
- Hannah Holmes

The use of this is totally optional. If you have your own system that works for you then by all means continue using it.