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[Council] Email: Internship?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of NickolasK Resident nickolask-resident 8 years, 11 months ago.

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Profile photo of perina mcginnis

perina mcginnis


To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Subject: Internship?

I got an email this week from a student at CU interested in an internship. Think it might be good to get some help around the office, since that poor clerk is overworked. I know I have a few things I'd love some help on, information gathering, etc. What do you guys think? The girl is familiar, at least her name; knew her mother.


<Fwd email attached>

To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Timestamp: Monday, 3-21-2016, 10:54am

Hello Ms.McGinnis,

I hope I have the correct address to contact you at. My name is Lexi Strom and I'm a senior at Columtreal University with a concentration in Political Science. I've been looking for opportunities to get involved in the community and have found it difficult to get real world experience inside of Hathian. I think that's very unfortunate! I was born and raised here and I have a very big heart for my city. I know a lot of my fellow classmates have plans to take internships outside of the city, and even the state. But I would like to check in about an opportunity to possibly help the city that raised me.

I have not been able to find anything from your website or offices about an internship and that's the reason I am contacting you directly. I am hoping there is something that we could possibly mold for myself-- and even for future students at Columtreal!

I would love to hear back from you on this idea and if you think it is an opportunity we could work out. My final internship needs to be completed by August 20th, in order to get my degree, so I am hoping I could start helping ASAP.

Thanks for the consideration!

Lexi Strom

c. 555-970-7744

March 25, 2016 at 8:57 pm
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