To: [COUNCIL] [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Subject: Community Garden Update
Hey y'all - interesting thing occured over the weekend, it seems, with one of those leading the Community Garden. Dimitri Rousseau (Trey) texted me about some HPD officer complaint he wanted to make about false arrest, pushing for a review board, and while that's something to table for now (cause we got bigger problems on our hands), told him I'd see about it. I sent word up the chain, passing it along at least, though was curious why he came to me instead of going to his own FDH Captain. Well, this morning, seems he's been suspended by the FDH Captain, and his arrest was about withholding information on murder and kidnappings. Truth to any of it, I don't know, but FDH don't suspend lightly. Think we're still good to go forward with helping this community garden thing, but keep an eye on this guy. Not cool with him using this connection to get cops in trouble for fake shit.