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Bounty Hunter Meeting Log +BONUS SCENE!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of the-m the-m 15 years, 7 months ago.

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Profile photo of Sarah Blaisdale

sarah shinobu


Tonight was hosted the first Meeting for Bounty Hunters with the intention of having an impromptu auction and the announcement of a large bounty head... here's the log for those who want to read it, warning, gun violence ahead... kinda... ahha... oh and lotsa typos... adn it wasquickly edited to remove a scene where a prisoner was being taken into custody and all my ims were threaded in tehre, too, so... forgive me if i left anything in or out >.< [2009/07/15 18:48] Sarah Shinobu stops at the door to pull out her compact, flipping it open to check ehr makeup and to dab at the shiney spots on her complection with her sponge applicator. she pockets the compact and moves to open teh door, then steps in.
[2009/07/15 18:50] Stagger Crannock whisks his hand at the gate and strains a neat-whiskey voice through his set teeth, "Let's open that gate, get folks comin' on in here. The office's so impersonal."
[2009/07/15 18:50] Tianna Qian looks at the warden with a tilted head and crooked grin.
[2009/07/15 18:50] Tianna Qian: don't think its locked to be honest Warden
[2009/07/15 18:51] Stagger Crannock looks at Tia with a peaked eyebrow and a tilt of his own. "Did Bliss get out the spread? The pate 'n such? Remoulade?"
[2009/07/15 18:52] Tianna Qian: the who what?
[2009/07/15 18:52] Tianna Qian: looks to me like she got out the shoots and ladders game
[2009/07/15 18:53] Sarah Shinobu smiles through the gate, crossing her arms, remaining rather silent.
[2009/07/15 18:53] Stagger Crannock ignores Tia's question to keep his lively gallop of a voice bounding along. He points through the gate, chattering around his matchstick, "Y'see 'Blood the Last Vampire' there? Asian chick, all done up like a karate studio? That's pro'ly Shinobu."
[2009/07/15 18:53] Tianna Qian peers through the bars
[2009/07/15 18:53] Sarah Shinobu: ((<3))
[2009/07/15 18:54] Stagger Crannock answers Sarah's smile with a casual wave. His lips hint at a grin as he notes loudly to her, "You come on back any time y'like. We got remoulade."
[2009/07/15 18:55] Sarah Shinobu nods and moves across the office, keeping her nose outta the business by the scale, "A pleasure, Warden." She'd pause by teh gate to swing it open and help hersel finto teh back room, her first time really entering the jail... officially.
[2009/07/15 18:56] Tianna Qian makes herself look busy pushing buttons on the soda machines.
[2009/07/15 18:57] Stagger Crannock reaches out a hand. It sets on Sarah's shoulder to roast as his arm guides her to his other hand - outstretched for shaking. He takes hers and says in a tone like moonshine right from the jar, "Pleasure to meet you. You call me Stagger. An' this here's Tia - Tia Qian. We run things 'round here."
[2009/07/15 18:58] Tianna Qian waves her fingers, "Howdy, good to meet you."
[2009/07/15 18:58] Scorpio Frost unlock the gate and walks in " hey warden , Marc on his way"
[2009/07/15 18:59] Scorpio Frost looks over at Tianna" We isn tit my favorite trustee hows it going Ti"
[2009/07/15 18:59] Sarah Shinobu nods, shaking his hand witha feminine strength, "Nice to meet you both..." She smiles over to Tia, then back, "I'm looking forward to tonight. and that Remoulade..."
[2009/07/15 19:00] Stagger Crannock snaps up a snare-trap grin and gives Scorpio a hearty swat on the arm as he passes. "Damn fine t' hear it an' fine to see y'both. There's plenty of Jack and Bud sittin' around, so y' go 'head make y'self comfortable."
[2009/07/15 19:00] Tianna Qian smiles at Scorpio and makes her way through the tables back to stand behind the warden before leaning around him to answer, "its going great, good to see you again!"
[2009/07/15 19:00] Scorpio Frost "Hey Warden did your securtary ever give you the info I dropped off on the Want man named lex?"
[2009/07/15 19:00] Scorpio Frost: *wanted
[2009/07/15 19:02] Stagger Crannock swings a hand to catch Tia's rump in its wide saddle. He leans in to note, "Tia, my chinese dumplin', you be so kind to rustle us up some shots." He bathes her in a grin before turning to Scorpio. "Yeah." He notes, with a jab of his matchstick upwards between a toothy grin. "Somethin' 'bout him doin' a triple-gainer off a cliff, right?"
[2009/07/15 19:03] Tianna Qian nods upwards then heads over to the old rusty ice machine, sliding a panel open and rummaging around within.
[2009/07/15 19:03] Sarah Shinobu moves away frm teh warden to let him do his greeting work, looking about for a place to sit and wait... she knew Vicious would be here, so she was looking forward to this meeting more than she would normally.
[2009/07/15 19:03] Scorpio Frost nods with a smile " Unfortantly i couldnt find a body so I could collect or confirm he was dead" kicks th echair in front of him a little " You should up the Bounty on him I almost got shot trying to take him in."
[2009/07/15 19:05] Stagger Crannock tilts himself to the side and grabs the rim of a gourmet food tray - a sumptuous circle of delicacies ranging from all corners of the Mediterranean, with hummus, tapinade, remoulade and dips yet to be named, hemmed in by mountains of pita. He pops the top of its plastic cover and slides the tray toward the guests. Scorpio's comments get a measured nod of his hard-cut jaw. "A'right ... I don' set the bounties; the ones what place the contracts do that. But I'll talk to 'em, now that we know the man does his own stunts." As he straightens, he catches sight of Vic. A razor grin slides out.
[2009/07/15 19:05] Tianna Qian pulls out a half dozen shot glasses which are set up in a neat row on a nearby table. The warm humid air makes the ice cold glass frost over almost immediately and Ti is there with a bottle of Jack. She pours a steady stream of amber whiskey in a straight line until the glasses are equaly full.
[2009/07/15 19:05] Stagger Crannock waves Vic in, noting, "Vicious Sparrow, you get your honorable bones on in here - I gotcher cranberry juices this time 'round!"
[2009/07/15 19:06] Vicious Sparrow now strides in, glancing about cool and casually was he does, wearing the accuments of his bearing. The tall old warlord, mightily shouldered and deep of chest, glanced about. The rotation of his bald aged head showed despite the years.. corded muscles and heavily muscled limbs.. a perhaps hopeless effort against time. The swagger that his boots, ragged and scuffed as they were.. showed a wary coolness. His pale, scarred, almost sinister face was calmed by the seemingly dignity that the aged had.. a unkempt noblese amid the concrete and bars of the prison.
[2009/07/15 19:07] Tianna Qian picks up three shot glasses in each hand without a drop spilling.
[2009/07/15 19:07] Scorpio Frost looks over at the bald man " nice gear man, where you get your setup from? . Watches Sohian booking Neo he hope the man would give her a hard time so they would have some free entertanment.
[2009/07/15 19:08] Tianna Qian pauses and sets a glass on the table by the one the Warden called Shinobu.
[2009/07/15 19:08] Tianna Qian frowns, spinning around with squinted eyes, "where'd that one go?"
[2009/07/15 19:08] Vicious Sparrow flickers his gaze, a gravel tinged mummur came from him.. half natural purr.. half growl.. but there was bemusement in the answer as he did. "... Tonktastic... " He said simply, nodding as he remarked, perhaps more soldier than bounty hunter.
[2009/07/15 19:08] Tianna Qian sits a shotglass on the table closest to where he'd been.
[2009/07/15 19:09] Tianna Qian puts another at the place closest to the warden and then shrugging, sets the rest in the center of the table.
[2009/07/15 19:09] Tianna Qian: Y'all help yerselves.
[2009/07/15 19:09] Sarah Shinobu turns to see Tia with the lucious liquid, she smiles and takes the shotglass up, "Thanks, doll, just what i needed..." she notes the men saying hello to Vicious, and she smiles to herself, deciding to wait until he enters the room to swollow the shot.
[2009/07/15 19:10] Tianna Qian shoves the door open and peeks out
[2009/07/15 19:10] Tianna Qian: y'all come on in this door wont stay open!
[2009/07/15 19:11] Brandon Lanzet slowly makes his way in behind Marc as his eyes glance from person to person, seemingly sizing them up as he made his way to one of the corners of the room - crossing his arms across his chest and staying silent as he was only here to back up a couple close friends when shit hit the fan.
[2009/07/15 19:11] Stagger Crannock keeps his syllables snapping and sliding from the trim reserve of his grin as he bustles about, languid as a swamp creature, straightening and serving, fussing and touching, pinning everything in its place with a glance and then brushing it with a horsehide hand. Tia gets such a stroke on her head as he snatches up a shot, "I wouldn' know nothin' about that, Vicious - you know I don't keep up wit' no Adult Swim 'r any of them trend the hip kids got goin' on, but I got yer juices and a seat for y'so sidle on up and we can get this goin' so's we can all enjoy what we really came here for - the game o' Strip Snakes and Ladders." He slams the shot back, its whiskey still glistening on his teeth as he smiles at Marcello and waves him on in.
[2009/07/15 19:11] Tianna Qian: y'all help yourselves, Warden's got whiskey, beer, and some things i can't pronouce for y'all
[2009/07/15 19:13] Stagger Crannock taps the snack tray as he stalks away from the door, voice bounding over the rusty rumble of the cell gates. "Remoulade, tapenade, pate, hummus - if it's been turned into a semi-liquid form, then likely we got a bowl of it and a pita slice to dip it in."
[2009/07/15 19:13] Vicious Sparrow strolls on in, hands in his pockets.. a light jangle of various things his entrance as he now nodded in passing to the prison girl previously.. (tia) .. and then to the Warden... noting with a wry grin, his scar kissed brow arching.. the notice of Sarah. He turns back to Stagger, deigning him with a slight shake of his head. "Games.. nor drink.. have I come here for. But meeting.. ah.. well.. that's the ploy, ehya? ... " Taking his cue, he instead stands, resting back against the cold prison wall.
[2009/07/15 19:13] Sarah Shinobu stands with Vic's entrance, taking the shot and then removing her shades to tuck them into her breastpocket. "Strip snakes and ladders... ahaha, i should've wore more clothes, then... I'm afraid Tia and I are far outnumbered..."
[2009/07/15 19:14] Tianna Qian picks up a jar from the cooler, Oceanspray Cranberry Juice. This she delivers to the old man with a shy smile.
[2009/07/15 19:14] Marcello Pausch: The whole thing about Pausch entrance was not about it, exactly. The grand problem was that he decided to open that metal door with his spiked kneepads, wich created a much louder and nasty metalic slam than the one he was thinking about doing. It was a good entrance, nonetheless, his arm would swing towards Brandon, signing for him to step in as well, a hand firmly patting the cold, fierce grip of that relic revolver under his leather wrapping, he'd stretch a smirk, mumbling back at Brandon "Welcome home, pal." just as a joke, shooting cops wasn't so fun when you are living close to a county jail. But it still was fun after all. His hazel eyes would scan his surroundings briefly, noticing Scorpio over there already, wich made him enlarge his smirk as he approached the gate.
[2009/07/15 19:14] Tianna Qian: Warden said you needed this ta keep ya regular.
[2009/07/15 19:14] Tianna Qian extends the juice to Vicious.
[2009/07/15 19:15] Vicious Sparrow wondered if he should have the girl who offered him the Oceanspray go into nadu.. but wryly he takes the offered drink with a polite and regal nod, "Thank you.. " That deep resonant purr sounds out as he now opens the juice.
[2009/07/15 19:15] Tianna Qian: very welcome, you should sit down
[2009/07/15 19:15] Tianna Qian nods helpfully.
[2009/07/15 19:16] Stagger Crannock waves a hand at Vic, a flick of his wrist divesting himself of his shades as well. "Ploy's about right, Vicious." He raises his voice to a roar to talk over the smash of Marcello's entrance. "'cause one of the reasons I called this meeting, is that whereas we got a couple of businessmen clockin' bounties on the roster, seems to me that the Big Names ain't even showin' up..." He flicks a finger at Sarah and Vicious. "By that I mean you two. The Soldiers and the Cerbs."
[2009/07/15 19:18] Scorpio Frost leans against the table smile as the loud metallic thud sounded ment only one thing he favorite bike riding Ape was here. "Ti you got coke and rum?" playing with his zippo as the others assemble in the prison common area looksover at he woman with the asian throwing weapons on her thigh. " So what your name babe? seen you around but didnt know worked for thewarden too"
[2009/07/15 19:18] Vicious Sparrow smiles to Sarah.. a moment spent admiring the view.. only to pause as he heard Stagger, a thoughtful crease in his forehead as he then gestures with one broad hand. "Ah.. well.. as you know.. such things take time.. "
[2009/07/15 19:18] Tianna Qian slides into the chair next to Stagger, practically under his hand.
[2009/07/15 19:18] Brandon Lanzet: (Just pretend I'm looking big and angry standing besides in Marc, busy with IMs atm)
[2009/07/15 19:19] Tianna Qian: (You are looking big and angry standing by Marc..)
[2009/07/15 19:19] Brandon Lanzet: (Rofl! I mean because I'm not going to post)
[2009/07/15 19:20] Tianna Qian turns around to look at Scorpio, "Let me go see, we got coke for sure."
[2009/07/15 19:20] Stagger Crannock holds out his shotglass as though elves will magically fill it with their tears, and declares in a Southern voice so smooth and inebriating that it could make a forensic report sound soothing, "Now I ain't sayin' y'all 're out of the game. Nor'm I frownin' on the entrepreneurship o' these gentlemen present." His hand settles on his thigh for a tight trill. "What I am sayin' is that Hathian don' lack in asses what need kickin', and yet, it's mostly Scorp and Marc, and Fou with the Soldiers, that's kickin' 'em." At Vicious' reply, Stagger pops a beer that goes off in a star of foam. He raises it to be downed, asking first, "What bounties or vigilante actions y'got goin' on now, Vicious?"
[2009/07/15 19:20] Sarah Shinobu sighs and rolls her head to the side, suddenly looking anxious. She had no excuse except for bad luck, herself... as for the rest of the crew... she didnt know. She'd look up at Scorpio, "Hah, its a new thing, I suppose..." She'd turn back to teh warden, "It's ahrd to motivate people to do something when they've got their heads up their asses. I'm growing tired of teh Soldiers as it is..." she smiles to Vic again, suddenly realizing she hadn't worn a skirt like she normally tried to do for him...
[2009/07/15 19:21] Sohbian Lethecus: From having evaded her front and back clamps about his neck and hair, the man instead had to be introduced to a 'hug' of sorts, as he merged bodies with Naomi. It had been biologically fortunate, that his ducking and her short height took alot of edge off the headbutt that could have been whipped on someone his own level, so instead his forehead mashed into the side of cheekbone; the force putting her back, though he was defiantely going with her now. Initially a shockwave of pain thrashed up the side of her face, her cheek immediately numbing from initial contact, but the adrenalin was firing up now. No sooner having thrown out a startled 'cry', her lips were open and her mouth was attempted to bite anything she could have managed on his face; in particularly his eyebrow and cheek, her arms coming about his head, to hold him as they went backwards towards the wall.
[2009/07/15 19:22] Vicious Sparrow listens to Sarah.. only to somberly now reply.. not one to air his troubles but thinking honesty might be the best policy here.. as he was not much use to the viper's tongue game besides. "My group is presently in an active and very bloody war right now. " He flickers his gaze to the others, not so easily yielding who or why.
[2009/07/15 19:24] Tianna Qian digs deeper in the ice, pulls out a bottle of absolut and shakes her head shoving it back in, the next bottle she finds is Captain Morgan, and It will have to do. Ice is put into a glass, the bottle and a can of coke are tucked under an arm, and Tia delivers the trio to the table behind Scorpio.
[2009/07/15 19:24] Stagger Crannock kills the beer in fistfuls, the alcohol punching its way down his throat. By the time he wipes his chin with the back of his hand and gestures the can toward Sarah, the foam's less than memory and the can's chattering as though it holds only a sliver left. Sarah gets a wry glance and the grin to match. "I hear y', Sarah. Horses 'n water 'n all that, even when the water's the fuckin' fountain o' youth with a garnish of hundreds. Fortunately, the reason I called y'all together here tonight was to get you acquainted, among other things. To let you know you can all work together."
[2009/07/15 19:24] Tianna Qian: there ya go. no limes though
[2009/07/15 19:25] Sarah Shinobu carefully sets the shotglass back down on the table, looking at it distantly as she listened to the men about her talking. Vic's admission registerring in ehr brain and she felt ehr gears turning as to who teh cerbs would be fighting with... she thought about the personal conversations she'd had with Phoe about relations, nothing comming to mind. Shen then looks about the room at the others involved, trying to be more... social, as was her nature, supposedly.
[2009/07/15 19:25] Marcello Pausch: Marc would step through the gate followed by that big, angry, and clearly problematic mountain of spiked boots wearing muscles Brandon used to call 'himself', as he heard the clang of the iron bars closing again behind him, a sound that he mostly prefered -not- to hear again, he'd extend his forearms shortly, and points through over his shoulder by his chin, adding to the whole conversation a singular "...And by the way. There's a cop having sex with a guy in his underwear back there." like he actually said good evenning or something, but he didn't and he wouldn't. He'd only flash a smirk towards Scorpio, and a quick glare at everyone around. Sarah first, of course, great and unknown view, the guy that supposely were the warden, and then to Vicious, he's seen the guy around, and didn't like how he looked.
[2009/07/15 19:25] Stagger Crannock sucks in the last sip of beer and shoots a finger at Vic. "'cause if you want it, Sparrow, you know you could hire these folk t' help you in y' War." He waves back to Sarah. "An' you can partner up with any crew that'll have yeh."
[2009/07/15 19:27] Tianna Qian makes her way around refilling shotglasses with the whiskey. "Feels like working the Ramada Inn all over again, 'cept for a bunch of thugs y'all dont drink as much."
[2009/07/15 19:29] Scorpio Frost Mix the ruma and coke in a glass and sips slowly " Thank babe just what I needed. " looks the blonde over and smiles. "Well they get nervous when the bars slam shut , you doing fine."
[2009/07/15 19:29] Sarah Shinobu nods at the warden's words, noting the new entrant to the room. She rund her fingertip over teh rim of the newly filled shotglass, silent.
[2009/07/15 19:30] Stagger Crannock reaches into his jacket, his artful mouth dipping its bow in a subtle bend. "What we got in this here institution - the Jail - is an opportunity for comity. Friendly competition, sure, but also a place you can use as a weapon to your own ends, whether it's makin' money and a name for yesself," he tilts his head to Sarah, "or protectin' y'people." He shoots a look at Vic. Out of his jacket, Stagger produces a mahoghany box, so lacquered and tenderly textured as to seem a piece of pressed stormcloud. His fingers play over the gold catch as he fixes each occupant of the room in turn. "An' I mean that. You got the run of this place. It's your fortress. You're all signed up as Guards here, an' all y' people are, too. So if things get hot out on the streets, this is your hidey hole - with hot and cold runnin' cells for any friends y' bring along."
[2009/07/15 19:31] Vicious Sparrow shrugs as he sips the Cranberry juice.. as this particular new .. war.. was a personal one.. set to deal with old and aged grudges. He keeps his silence as he listens to the Warden.. glancing to the others.. spending a moment on Sarah only to continue to look to Marc.. and his partner.. then to the Warden and his pet trustee.
[2009/07/15 19:32] Sohbian Lethecus: It seemed to be a mostly off balance fight. Perhaps, simply because Naomi herself was in a new setting, she just wasn't quite with it today, but for a fight she should really have normally slaughtered on, she was taking a bit of bruising. With the wall at her back, her leg gripped and weight shifted, it was only natural she was taking the prisoner down with her at this point. She did come down after a few moments of heaving, as her other foot gave way, however she was attached to Jack by his cheek; his blood lashing across her lips and of course, her arms grappled about his head to hold him. When she went down, she was bring Jack down. Her cheek was already glowing crimson, a nice black eye promised tomorrow and now, a sharp judder at the back of her skull as the wall gave her a near blinding bang in place. Her rage was so lethal at this point, it rose like the bile from her stomach. The two burlesque guards finally came in, to attempt to hook their hands about the convict, most naturally, to pull him up or
[2009/07/15 19:32] Sohbian Lethecus: away via arms.
[2009/07/15 19:34] Sarah Shinobu picks up the shotglass wiht her fingertips and tilts it down her throat, curling her lip lightly at teh taste. he rmind was busy with thoughts, so much going on... but she was glad for the warden's words of welcome, a good thing to know. She drifted ehr eyes oover Scorpio and Marc, then Brandon, considering each of them as partners...
[2009/07/15 19:34] Scorpio Frost a big big smirk comes across his face the looks at Tia " So warden do we get use of everything the fauclity offers?" sips his drinks . looking around the Jails main room. "cause the place looks like it has it uses..other than to lock up some thugs"
[2009/07/15 19:35] Scorpio Frost: (>:) they partners...look for the rainbow patch)
[2009/07/15 19:36] Stagger Crannock drops his tone an octave, bringing it to a funereal dirge. It trudges about the room, sooty with bad omen. His gaze is a badge, though, and it sticks, burning brazen, on all it leaps to. "So this is your house here. You use it to stow who you like, and you play with you who like here. That's the rules." To Scorpio he nods deeply as he flips the catch on the lavish box. "Everything, Scorpio. Downright everything. Whenever you please." One hand cups the box while the other waves at Vicious. "We do need contracts, though. An' Vicious, I know you a private man an' such, but it should would be good - for us an' Hathian alike - if'n you would place some contracts on the real bad ones out there. Don't be stingy with the ass-kickin's, you know what I'm sayin?"
[2009/07/15 19:38] Vicious Sparrow knew that the Warden played Duke in this fiefdom of a prison.. slightly smirking as he does against the wall there.. as elegant as the old man in kelvar could be with a can of Oceanspray cranberry juice in his hand as he listens, only to just nod wordlessly to the Warden's words.
[2009/07/15 19:38] Tianna Qian clenched the bottle of whiskey tight enough to whiten her knuckles.
[2009/07/15 19:39] Sarah Shinobu has a thought occur to her at that moment, a possible contract, she smiles to herself as she conciders it career suicide. She sets teh shotglass abck down and shifts ehr weight away from it.
[2009/07/15 19:39] Marcello Pausch: "Hell yeah... Sure. Let the cop get fucked up." he nodded, in actual, not sarcastic agreement, he liked Naomi, yeah, but she had that mighty mouse costume of hers that spoiled all that perfect body of hers up. He'd give one last look behind him, and then turn back again at the room, and quickly to the table "So where're the snacks?" he mumbled to himself while he started walking towards Scorpio, apparently the whole thing of a 'bounty hunters meeting' still sounded like a book club reunion in his head or something, but it was good for him to finally notice who was the warden, and possibly carve some information away from him. Besides, he -was- listening that the prison was his new playground.
[2009/07/15 19:41] Stagger Crannock does three things in quick succession - he annihilates a shot of whiskey, scoops up some remoulade on a pita slice, and points at Vicious. Through his chewing and finger pointing, he manages to set the shotglass by Tia again. "See, now, y'doin' y'cagey, cards-close-to-the-chest thing there, Vicious. I ain' met y'but twice, an' I can see it plain enough. Now are you thinkin' you'll be giving other hunters some names to tip the scales in the favor of the good guys, or what, man?"
[2009/07/15 19:41] SilverMartin Zhangsun wanders in 40 minutes late after finally getting the message on his machine upon his return home. He didn't have a car so he had to hoof his way here and took his time. He stands by the door to the main floor looking around at all Bounty Hunters and over to the warden. He wonders what he had missed, but decides to just sit and wait it out, listening in on the conversation.
[2009/07/15 19:42] Stagger Crannock adds to Marcello with a trill of his knuckles on the snack plate that contains every fragrant variety of Mediterranean food imaginable, "Snacks're right here, Marc. You go 'head, put some meat on y'bones. Y'gettin' skinny."
[2009/07/15 19:43] Gourmet Gift Basket 3: Rustic bread smeared with olive tapenade, Tianna Qian, enjoy !
[2009/07/15 19:44] Sarah Shinobu rolls her eyes as she conciders the building itself. Then her eyes rove of their own accord back over to Vic, she finds herself unintentionally staring again... a new bad habit she'd picke dup.
[2009/07/15 19:46] Scorpio Frost looking at the wooden box witht he gold catch. he woundered what was inside. He asked casually "So whats in the little box?" takes some of the food on a plate and muches away he wasnt about to pass up a free meal and wanted to grab somethig before Marc. He had seen the man eat before it wasnt a pretty sight
[2009/07/15 19:47] Gourmet Gift Basket 3: Rustic bread smeared with olive tapenade, Scorpio Frost, enjoy !
[2009/07/15 19:47] Gourmet Gift Basket 3: A dry red Barbera blend , Scorpio Frost, salut !
[2009/07/15 19:47] Gourmet Gift Basket 3: Strong, dark coffee flavored with anisette, Scorpio Frost!
[2009/07/15 19:47] Gourmet Gift Basket 3: A traditional Italian Christmas cake rich with fruit, Scorpio Frost!
[2009/07/15 19:47] Gourmet Gift Basket 3: Delicious Sicilian olives, Scorpio Frost!
[2009/07/15 19:47] Gourmet Gift Basket 3: Mmmm! Pistachio nut nougat candy, Scorpio Frost, delicious !
[2009/07/15 19:48] Vicious Sparrow brough the Oceanspray cranberry to his lips, pleased it was cool as he now flickered his gaze over the others.. subtle study in the various esteemed peers he found himself. Noting for a moment that Sarah looked to him.. he in turn now tilts his head in a nod to her, wryly grinning, even holding his drink in a wry salute to her as he leans still upon the concrete wall there. One would know in time what kind of distorted and tragic trip the Warden was about to take them like some modern Baz Luhrmann version of Jason and the Argonauts.
[2009/07/15 19:48] IM: Phoenix Davidov Texts: Is Carpe in town? I need to talk to her
[2009/07/15 19:49] Stagger Crannock talks in a tone so mossy and dark it would be fit for hanging on a Haunted House. "Now for the secret prizes ... just before the secret contract." His fingers have the neat, muscular movements of the carnival barker as they pry open the mahogany box. Inside, a lagoon of lush purple velvet holds three objects. Stagger's eyes are sharp as they snap to Scorpio. "Because no bad deed goes unrewarded around here, we have a policy with bounties. You can exchange 'em for goods like cars, jewelry and the like, any time. But once a month or so, we gonna let you get something special..." Stagger rumbles appreciatively as his voice shines each word: "We got golden skulls from down South America ...
[2009/07/15 19:49] Bruschetta w/ Olives : Mmm, delicious, Scorpio Frost!
[2009/07/15 19:50] Stagger Crannock: We got idols from the Middle East. Caches of strange drugs from labs once hidden behind the Iron Curtain. Weird books in languages folk don' understand no more...
[2009/07/15 19:50] Marcello Pausch: "Not thanks to the 20 grand I got around here." he said with a smirk towards the warden and that getting skinny comment of his, approaching the table and quickly scanning for something eatible, his Louisiana biker head couldn't precisely even acknowledge a single offer that the basket over the table could give him, indeed. Anything out from doritos or peanuts couldn't be understood as a snack to the man's head, so he just recoils his hand, mumbling something about "Queer food..." while he pretends he wasn't hungry anymore and wiggles his head a little bit, hearing Scorpio's question, he also looked at the box, narrowing his eyes a little bit before retreating to his previous position as well. "Y'know... This whole partnership thing... Well, it's actually important." he'd look around for a moment "That Anjel dude, for example. I had bad blood with him, and what I heard is that some prison guard shot him with a taser and brought him back. No thrill, you know? Everyone needs to have their chances, after all."
[2009/07/15 19:51] Sarah Shinobu felt ehr blackberry buzzing in her pocket for a moment, she embarrassedly grabs it before teh ringtone starts, looking over the text message from Phoe... she looks up to listen to teh warden's offers, then fires off a quick text with many typos before tucking it away again.
[2009/07/15 19:51] SilverMartin Zhangsun leans on the cage door. He peers over at Sarah and Vicious. He wasn't fond of them, mainly because of their associates. He strokes his eye socket under his eye patch, fiddling with his loose eye lid and tugs on his lashes.
[2009/07/15 19:51] Stagger Crannock continues, intonining, "We offer y' special weapons, too, in this auction. Weapons an' security systems, which're my trade. An' even a free contract. You get to exchange y' money for the entire Jail goin' after someone of y' choosin'.
[2009/07/15 19:52] Stagger Crannock lifts the box, turning them for Marcello, Scorpio and Sarah. "For now, these are for you." He proffers, in the box, a dried chicken foot on white twine, a crow's foot on black thread, and a rat's claw on red rosary beads.
[2009/07/15 19:53] Stagger Crannock cautions through a graveyard of a grin, "Now don' you touch just yet now."
[2009/07/15 19:53] Sarah Shinobu feels ehr eyebrows raising in recognition of the... odd items.
[2009/07/15 19:54] Vicious Sparrow glances over to the one eyed cyclops.. noting he knew him.. ahh.. yes.. the rapist on campus.. or so he had been told. Narrowing his gaze.. he pauses.. only to wry grin. .. if the man kept to his vices.. then soon he would be a bounty to collect on.
[2009/07/15 19:54] Tianna Qian peers around stagger and into the box and decides its time to refill the shot glasses. She begins making the rounds topping off all the empties.
[2009/07/15 19:55] Marcello Pausch: "Dude." he mentioned "What the hell is this?" he asked simply, pointing with his chin to the amulets. "Fuck that. At least we got chicken." he reached forward to try and grab the chicken foot. And... Unpleasantly and possibly eat it.
[2009/07/15 19:55] Tianna Qian filled an extra shot glass and paused to down it before filling her arms with cold beers to distribute.
[2009/07/15 19:56] Tianna Qian doesnt bother asking but rather just puts cold beer on each table, next to the full shot glasses, within reach of each hunter.
[2009/07/15 19:57] Stagger Crannock rolls his finger over the trio of dessicated items. They rock in the box like discarded sighs. Stagger talks in a voice of pure black velvet, his gaze fixing like a fist's hot interior around each in turn. "This here's our first auction. Since you three are the top bounty collects - Sarah, your man Fou drew down $20 for baggin' Anjel - you gotta chance to outbid one another on these ... unique gifts." He strokes them again, noting, "They're Voodoo spells - gris-gris. Each has a spirit in them. One helps you avoid being seen. One helps you find others who are avoiding you. And one, well, it makes the spirits take a good long listen to what you ask of 'em." He points at Marc, Scorp and Sarah, each slowly and exactly. "Now ... Anyone interested in placin' an opening bid?"
[2009/07/15 19:57] Tianna Qian leans over to Vicious and asks real quiet, "You need something that aint hard to chew? That humus stuff supposed to be good and its real soft."
[2009/07/15 19:59] Scorpio Frost look at the wierd shit int he box . He shook his head " What the hell you rob some rasta's old mothers place."" Looking like some voudoo Bullshit." Scorpio didnt like messing with any Jamacia stuff he had ran into some a few years ago. They where a bunch of crazy fuckers. "What we suppose to do with those?"
[2009/07/15 19:59] Sohbian Lethecus: [[ rest his hands upon his own chest -
[2009/07/15 20:01] Sarah Shinobu closes her eyes in disbelief at Marc's movements, then smiles at the notice that she had a leg up on teh competition... she'd have to thank Fou herself later... she wanted that one to speak with the spirits. she didnt believe in magic powers, but she did believe in spirits and God... she'd raise a hand, "I'll bid..." she hoped her sudden interest didnt spark the others' interest.
[2009/07/15 20:01] Stagger Crannock waves his hand over the box as he leans his hip against the table. The grin sharpens itself and grows. "Well, use 'em, that's what. These are home made. Top of the line. I got a source right here in the Jail." He cocks his head, musing with wide, laudanum colored eyes, "Invisibility. ESP. A few wishes. They're all yours, if you want 'em. No sense in doubtin' 'em, right?"
[2009/07/15 20:02] Stagger Crannock keeps Marc's grab from diving into the box with his wafting hand and nods to Sarah. "You go 'head, place y'bid, Ms. Shinobu. Tell me which item you want, and name y' price."
[2009/07/15 20:03] Sohbian Lethecus: What she had done, was basically take a step backwards, her jaw clenching with subliminal force as her body simply glowered with a sudden spike of 'necessary rage'. Her palm came about her tonfa, to whip it out in a single motioned semi-circular deployment from her sheath, the suddenly charge of momentum, she'd attempt to critically smash down on his left wrist, as it was exposed to the wall. The speed in her attack was deftly applied, and embaressingly done by his own co-operation. It symbolized that even with his co-operation after causing trouble like that, he was always going to get punished. No shit would be taken on her watch. It would have been her attempt to utterly shatter his wrist, in this attack if successfully applied.
[2009/07/15 20:03] Stagger Crannock enshrines her with the dark and busy fire of his stare as he lounges on the table, roguish and tall, with the weird icons so potently out-of-place in the box's posh cradle.
[2009/07/15 20:03] Sarah Shinobu smiles at the uninterested looks of the otehrs, even a little faith in small things like these tended to give good responces. "ESP and wishes, 1k each." she speaks flatly, eyeing the items.
[2009/07/15 20:04] Vicious Sparrow quirks a brow as ... seemingly super powers were also rewarded.. to those who would try. A low muffled chuckle came from him, as he heard the wishes and ESP offer.
[2009/07/15 20:04] Marcello Pausch: "And beer." he added, blowing a whistle towards Tianna and indiscretly looking at that orange hued rear of hers. He'd take his hand away the chicken foot, staring at it in a thoughtful manner, perking an eyebrow at it, and then looking at Scorpio to burst a cheerful and loud laugh at him and his jamaican comments, hell, if he was scared of jamaicans, he should meet some haithian creoles he knew in the outskirts, since -Hathian- city was the only Louisiana town without any native creoles, after all, he'd wait for Tianna to approach with his beer, looking at Sarah, he'd smirk, and look at Scorpio again. He wasn't exactly understanding what they'd end up paying for that... Meat. Although he'd look at Sarah again "Babe, you're the girlfriend from the dude that locked Anjel up with a fucking taser?" he'd pop an eye while half closing the other to her "He makes our job look -ugly-."
[2009/07/15 20:05] Scorpio Frost shakes his head "well i dont really have anyting to bid with since my collar fell off a cliff" he really wasnt sure with the chicken legs he didnt medlle in that stuff. "Well i dont know about thats mystic stuff, How about just some good old fashion kevlar?"
[2009/07/15 20:05] Tianna Qian turned around and winked at Marcello, "Ya see that, look on the table behind ya and you already got your wish, before ya wished it. How's that for some mojo?"
[2009/07/15 20:06] Stagger Crannock splays his fingers to point at the crow foot and what appeared to be a rat foot. "The Crow Baron and the Legba's little monkey paw it is." He taps them and then chuckles at Marc's comment. The chuckle weaves into a chummy line to Scorpio through his grin's crook. "You got two thousand from the credit of processin' Rikishi Keahi, accordin' to me records. But yeah, we might be able to help y' with kevlar."
[2009/07/15 20:08] Tianna Qian turning back to Vicious whispers, "I know just the thing...." and she heads back to rummage in the basket, produces a small jar and a tiny silver spoon. These she brings back and proffers to the Old Warrior, "Prune Puree." She whispers.
2009/07/15 20:08] Sarah Shinobu ignores Marc's comment. Fou wasn't her boyfriend... just a collegue and a subordinate. Her boyfriend ahd been woefully absent from ehr life as of late and she was beginning to question even fate at their shared dreams... being single suited ehr, seh thought... teh anmes of the items wandered into her mind and she smiled, then looking over to Tia with annoyance at her insistance that Vic was an old man...
[2009/07/15 20:11] Stagger Crannock flicks the flint of his stare off of Scorpio and Marcello. His fingers frame the box with a decorous press; his shoulders roll back. Out his voice reaches, tapping each man firmly on the nose as Stagger stares into them and says, "I hear no bids? The whole of it goin' to Sarah? Or do you want to bid on that Chicken Foot o' invisibility, Marc?"
[2009/07/15 20:11] Marcello Pausch: He perked an eyebrow, still looking at Sarah "Hey, I'm used to be ignored by tasty babes like you outside, but in a closed room that's just rude, ya know?" he narrowed those native-american blood's naturally straightened eyes of his to her, turning them into thin clefts against his face, with his eyelashes darting outside from it, he'd look at Stagger, "Dude, I'll bid if you want. But I got more important stuff to clear out than buying mcnuggets out from your box."
[2009/07/15 20:12] Scorpio Frost tried to enjoy his drink and food over the sounds of the inmate still being beat. walks over to the bars and yell " Hey We're having a meeting here if you gonna keep kicking his ass like that atlest have the common courtesy to take him in the questiong room so we dont have to hear him scream" return to his spot " whats that thing with rosery do?"
[2009/07/15 20:14] Stagger Crannock tucks on a smile as shiny and white as press-on tile. He shrugs at Marc, beginning to lower the lid on the box. "Hell, no, Geronimo - I ain' gonna make you spend money on somethin' you don' want'r believe in. You save your shekels for shit y'can trust, like sterno and hookers." Chuckling, he nods cordially to Scorpio and answers, "That's the Monkey Paw. It got a touch of Papa Legba's listening to it - St. Peter's paying attention to the holder of that paw. You can ask three favors of it, and he'll set spirits to work their invisible ways in the world and help y'out."
[2009/07/15 20:14] Vicious Sparrow wryly shakes his head as he mummurs back to the girl offering him baby food. "Ah.. I just ate.. thank you.. " He said.. polite.. elegant..
[2009/07/15 20:15] Sarah Shinobu smiles at the prospect of owning these little amulets, then darts her eyes back over to Marc, "I'm actually trying to pay attention, you know? And come on... you think I'd date someone like that?" She'd had sex with him once yeah, adn she'd do it again given the chance, but she couldn't see herself with him on any terms more intimate than that... She snapped ehr head back to Stagger and folded ehr arms, eyebrows narrowing in slight annoyance.
2009/07/15 20:16] Tianna Qian smiles politely and returns to sit at the table by the Warden, the elegant jar and silver spoon replaced in the basket while her eyes scan the Hunters, "Y'all set for drinks and eats?"
[2009/07/15 20:16] Scorpio Frost shrugs look at the box " Well I give you 100 bucks for the one noone wants I guess " not really sure if the items really did anythingbut wouldnt hurt to toss out a weak bid.
[2009/07/15 20:17] Vicious Sparrow plays the old tall wallflower well... watching the others with a bemused wise silence as they seem to hunker and covet the strange fetishes. He in turn was learning from the experience.
[2009/07/15 20:18] Stagger Crannock hikes an engaging eyebrow Sarah's way and notes in a toothy tone, "No need to take any fights outside, you know, if you wanna work some 'a that aggression out." He bends his head toward Tia, remarking, "Let's have another round of shots." An elbow brushes her flank to lick a mark there that lingers, and then he tells Scorpio, "One Chicken Foot for one hundred, coming up."
[2009/07/15 20:18] Stagger Crannock glances about, placing the monkey foot, the chicken bit and the crow claw on the table with decorous slowness. "Going once ..."
[2009/07/15 20:18] Tianna Qian gets up and heads to the ice machine to get a fresh bottle of bourbon.
[2009/07/15 20:19] Marcello Pausch: He didn't knew the guy. But he knew that there wasn't a SINGLE japanese descendant around Hathian lately that wasn't a total sex freak, they'd give their entrails to anything, from a guy to a garden hoe, just because both of them are standing outside. "...Yeah?" he answered Sarah, with a lightly sarcastic tone, "Nah, man, I want to believe in the magic, you know? But... I also want to get back to the bounties discussion, whenever the tribal stuff stops. So I'm bidding." he added, and turned back to grab a beer for himself, sending Tianna a wink as well and a gravelly "Thanks, babe." he'd raise the glass for a swig, almost spitting it off when he notices it was a light beer. The thing was just against his religion.
[2009/07/15 20:20] Mug of cold beer whispers: CHEERS!
[2009/07/15 20:20] Sarah Shinobu rolls her eyes, she wasn't in a mood for a fight. she placed her hands on her hips in wait of the closing of teh "auction." and for the record, she wouldn't fuck a garden hoe without it offering her a drink first.
[2009/07/15 20:21] Tianna Qian is turning around with the burboun when Marcello spits out the Budlight. "Oops!" She digs around in the cooler until she finds a bottle of Saint Paulie Girl.
[2009/07/15 20:21] Scorpio Frost looks over at the girl with a scowl "tia youknow you dont need to keep bourbon on ice right?" he like his hard liquor warm added to that sweet burn as it went down.
[2009/07/15 20:21] Tianna Qian looked at Scorpio like he had just spoken in Portugese, "What?"
[2009/07/15 20:22] Pirate's Keep Rum whispers: watch that third sip
[2009/07/15 20:22] Stagger Crannock steps aside of the spray, smirks at the squabbling and slides the box onto the table as though it were a whole beachsand of a burden off of his frame. "Going twice."
2009/07/15 20:22] Tianna Qian meanwhile is holding a bottle of St. Paulie to Marcello, whispering, "Sorry about the light, thats for us girls."
[2009/07/15 20:23] Scorpio Frost grabs the rum and takes a swing directly from the bottle
[2009/07/15 20:24] Marcello Pausch takes the whole glass of light in a single long and hurried swig, it was light, but still was beer after all, and offered the glass back to Tianna, so she can fill the mug with the other beer. It wasn't a budweiser, though, so he didn't even know it -was- beer. But the fact that it was free already helped a lot.
[2009/07/15 20:25] Stagger Crannock spikes his matchstick up as his grin goes high. His hand claps the box completely closed. The table jumps. The icons on it don't. They seem almost to hover, insulated by some eerie balance. Stagger's eyes catch Scorpio and Sarah. From out the chiseled features of his florid face, a brimstone voice uncurls. "Sold." Two fingers slide the Monkey Paw and Raven Foot to Sarah, and the Chicken Claw to Scorpio." His frame turns away from the fetishes; fingers flicker swimmingly through the empty air, searching for a glass to curl around, as he asks Marcello, "You were sayin' you wanted to discuss something about bounties?"
[2009/07/15 20:26] Vicious Sparrow: (ah.. skip me.. afk)
[2009/07/15 20:26] Stagger Crannock gave you Raven's Foot.
[2009/07/15 20:27] Tianna Qian puts the bottle of beer in the mug still capped. Her hands were too full for filling mugs. She gave Marc a sweet smile and put a shot of cold Jack next to Scorpio, even though he was drinking rum. She gave him an odd look and went on to fill Sarah's glass with the whiskey.
[2009/07/15 20:27] Tianna Qian filled a shotglass for Stagger and pressed it into his hand without a peep to interupt his negotiating.
[2009/07/15 20:27] Scorpio Frost takes the chicken claw from Stagger . Looking at it strangely " Well if it dont do anything special I just I can always make soup with it" laughing uneasy at whole strange meeting.
[2009/07/15 20:28] Sarah Shinobu waits anxiously for the final word from Stagger and allows her gaze to flick over to Vicious for a moment again, then smiling as she took up her new purchases, hopfully they were what the warden offered, and weren't...carrying anything unwanted. she'd smile toTia and took the new shot in a victory move. she'd then move back over towards Vicious to lean on the bars next to him to concider them as she listened to teh rest of the meeting.
[2009/07/15 20:28] Tianna Qian poured an extra shot, set the bottle down and lifted it to her lips.
[2009/07/15 20:29] Tianna Qian took a sip, licked her lips and then downed the shot.
[2009/07/15 20:29] Stagger Crannock laughs with his voice, even though it's the kind of wind that sounds someone dug it up somewhere. His eyes have a certain mad brightness in them. No sane man would call it laughter. He toasts Scorpio, his elbow finding means to nuzzle Tia's breast with its point, and then downs the shot. "Hey, man, I eaten weirder, so you just get down with your bad self, Top Chef."
[2009/07/15 20:30] Nyome Foxtrot is Online
[2009/07/15 20:30] Vicious Sparrow: (Back)
[2009/07/15 20:31] Tianna Qian: ((wb old man))
[2009/07/15 20:31] Stagger Crannock: (( Welcome back, Vic. ))
[2009/07/15 20:31] Vicious Sparrow tilts his head, chuckling in bemusement.. who would have thought this to be such a ... festive thing.
[2009/07/15 20:31] Vicious Sparrow: (ty)
[2009/07/15 20:31] Marcello Pausch: "Like I said. It's a little town. With a few tiny bounties around." he nodded to Stagger, "Sometimes the big pot comes to us. Like these freaks that started some havoc with college girls and all... Or that princess lost somewhere." he'd continue after raising his mug to drink another sip of the refilled beer, "So the whole hunter's group detail. Apart from being useful for protection, it's also important to split the bounties." he'd raise the glass again, and drink once more "Or else we'll eventually have a war around here, hunters and hunters fighting for the big bounties." he'd raise his hand, coughing while trying to disguise his next words "I heard something like that happened already." and then, look at Stagger again "And it's not such new stuff. Me and Scorpio here, we already work together." he'd add, looking at Sarah, and the curve of her rear at the last moment.
[2009/07/15 20:34] Vicious Sparrow flickers over to Sarah as he notes her.. smiling broadly as he spends a moment to seemingly look her over only to purr. "Hello Sarah.. how do you fare, eh? "
[2009/07/15 20:36] Stagger Crannock upends the glass on the table, leaving it to shrug off shiny brown curtains of whiskey, coiling fingers around Tia's extra shot in the same motion. He lifts it and talks like a well-greased roller coaster, hips keeping Tia company as he does. "That's up to you. Every Bounty Hunter can send a Notice for a team meetin' - whether it's to hand out new contracts, team up with others or even just hang out. You guys can use this place however you like, an' keep in touch wit' each other on y'own terms." He swallows the shot, snapping it to the table, and saying through a sizzling smile. "So, yeah, definitely work together. 'specially if you got a tough target, like a whole gang." He looks so pointedly at Vic, you'd think he were taking an axe to the man.
[2009/07/15 20:36] Sarah Shinobu tucks her new aquisitions into the band about her leg, then leans back on teh bars, smiling up at Vic, "Ah, i'm well, vicious, simply... out of the loop at times..." she mentioned for the fact she ahd no idea her ally had been at war... "How's your... man-eating dog doing? " she smiled at the small joke.
[2009/07/15 20:37] Stagger Crannock casts about for another shot with one hand, while the other roams, wide and open, for Tia. His voice reaches to encircle the room even as he turns to lasso Vic in that knowing stare. "And speakin' of big bounties ... Half-a-million dollars." He declares.
[2009/07/15 20:39] Marcello Pausch: "-Right.-" he said matter of factly, he actually wanted to tell all of that more as a warning to the other hunters around, whoever they were. "So... Huh... About bounties now. How can we know who placed a bounty on someoen's head? Archives, I don't know."
[2009/07/15 20:40] Vicious Sparrow was about to relate the .. serious condition that Goggles was in after finding him barely alive. "Ah... " ... he glances then severely to Stagger.. only to tense... did Stagger just.. put a bounty on him for half a million dollars? He would wait before acting to this news.. seeing he was close to the bars.
[2009/07/15 20:41] Sarah Shinobu tilts her eyes towards teh Warden for his announcing of the exclusive bounty, then notices the warden's gaze, she follows it to Vicious, raising her eyebrows in surprise.
[2009/07/15 20:41] Scorpio Frost couldnt take as he was busy shoving italian treats into his mouth. Eyeing Ti again was able to speak after washing the food down his throat with the rest of his cock. "Everthing of auctioning or selling some of the inmate?" He figuired everything was for sale hear for the right price or favor,
[2009/07/15 20:42] Sarah Shinobu: ((...washing down treats with your cock? talent.))
[2009/07/15 20:42] Scorpio Frost: *coke
[2009/07/15 20:42] Scorpio Frost: oops
[2009/07/15 20:43] Marcello Pausch: "Wait, what?" he'd ask in clear surprise, re-reading Stagger's post and looking at Vicious, perking an eyebrow at him and adding this to his post.
[2009/07/15 20:43] Sarah Shinobu: ((giggles))
[2009/07/15 20:43] Stagger Crannock answers Marcello by pulling a contract from his pocket. A snap of his wrist parts the folded paper enough to expose it - to show it as the contract for 'Princess Lara'. He taps the sheet. "It's marked here who issued the Bounty, but sometimes folk lie and sometimes they hide it." He then launches a finger at Vicious' direction. "Half a million dollars. Cash. Paid for by a source I have done some good vetting on and have found solid. All for one target."
[2009/07/15 20:44] Vicious Sparrow slips his hand to his belt now as he backs up some, sliding to the side of Sarah as he flickers his gaze to the warden and now .. seemingly.. the bounty hunters .. wary now.
[2009/07/15 20:45] Sarah Shinobu hears teh Warden's continuing on, she then allows herself to relax a bit, looking back over to Vic's movements. "Ahh..." she sighs in relief. It was teh princess's bounty...
[2009/07/15 20:46] Scorpio Frost looks at his phone as the ringtone fill the area --ac/dc hiway to hell-- . Looks at the text then up at the crowd " Hey just got a text seems someone set the comic books store on fire" smiles at the message after being bitch out by the owner in the alley last week.
[2009/07/15 20:46] Sohbian Lethecus: "If you'll follow me. Stay close."
[2009/07/15 20:48] Marcello Pausch: "A'right." he said calmly while his whole body suddenly thrust itself to his right side, turning towards the gate whilst his free hand slowly crept to the insides of his jacket, he'd pull his revolver out, barely aiming against the bald headed and geared dude and shooting the thing at his direction, it didn't matter much if he'd miss the shot or not, or even if he'd hit Sarah, or hit himself since it could recoil through the gate. All that he knew is that 50 grand -was- an interesting amout of money, and he wouldn't feel precisely bad into getting his hands over it. As the big explosion vibrated out from his gun, he straightened his eyes, trying to be aware of the nasty results.
[2009/07/15 20:48] Stagger Crannock taps the contact and declares in a tone that has a taste of trumpets in it; a bit of royal purple. "Princess Lara Swordthain." He traces the contract. "Half a million, ladies and lone wolves. It says ten-thousand here, but that was put only so long as it took me to find out if the contract was legit. An' it is." He turns the paper around, showing it to Vicious and Sarah, then back to Marc and Scorpio. "Known affiliations, Anjel Ceriano's Purgatory Club and Columtreal University. Known hangouts, Black Bottom and the Grind." He taps it again and the grin grows. "And ..." And then, Marcello shoots at Vic.
[2009/07/15 20:49] Tianna Qian gawks with eyes as big as dinner plates!
[2009/07/15 20:50] Scorpio Frost looks over at stagger " you got a picture of the girl?"
[2009/07/15 20:52] Vicious Sparrow grunts as he now feels the impact hit his chest.. luckily type 3 armor plate was good up to 7.62 soviet but it was enough to break his stance as he took the harsh shot to the gut. Hopefully and luckily he didnt get "bullet shear" .. when the bullet ricochets right back to the less protected places as his back hits the bars with a clang.. perhaps thankful that he did wear the gear this night. "UUfhh! "
2009/07/15 20:52] Tianna Qian: oh shit...
[2009/07/15 20:53] Sarah Shinobu blinks, then looks up with an interested look... then the sound of a gunshot echoed through the building and yelps, then ducks to the floor, raising her arms to cover her head.
2009/07/15 20:53] Stagger Crannock drops his brow like a blast shield as both his hands fly up. Their quest for more Tia and more whiskey is ended. They get head level and ready for lashing, even before he has a chance to react. His reaction is to yell. His voice is like a bull broken from the gate. "Christ on a Cracker, Geronimo! What the fuck you doin'? I say's friendly competition's okay, not gunnin' down y' fellow hunters before the green light even flashes! Sheeyit, boy, don' shit where you eat remoulade!"
[2009/07/15 20:57] Scorpio Frost flips the table for cover The sound of a gunshot sobering him up quickly . "what the fuck Marc?" He didnt have a gun, the shocker on his hip would have to do. yanks the device from the holster.
[2009/07/15 20:57] Scorpio Frost: draw
[2009/07/15 20:58] Marcello Pausch: Pausch's other hand would raise to the hammer of that revolver, he liked that, like shooting a wall or something. At least he was getting the guy unconscious or something, his other hand would raise to pump the hammer of that relic of his, he'd approach a step, ready to fire again as his eyes'corners darted to his side "What?!" he'd hiss "You said he had a bounty!" and then he'd turn his bright hazels back to Vicious, he didn't exactly heard the whole 'friendly competition' thing, all he could hear exactly was '50 grand' repeating through his whole head, he'd still be prepared for another shot, since the guy would possibly want payback for his... Huh... Mistake.

July 16, 2009 at 7:14 am
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