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    Nadir Taov
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    Sarah-Michelle Buffy Gage

Columtreal University

Public Group  |  active 1 week, 1 day ago ago

Students and faculty of Columtreal University in Black Bottom… for important guides and details, visit

Teaching on Campus

This topic contains 28 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Sarah-Michelle Buffy Gage sabrina morningstar 4 months, 3 weeks ago.

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Profile photo of Nadir Taov

Nadir Taov


One-time, part-time, or full-time teacher?
We’re in need of teachers to host classes and you don’t need to be a full-time professor to do it. If you visit the Admissions building on campus, simply click on the computer terminal to sign up for the campus term, click on FACULTY and select LECTURER. This role allows anyone to access the class room projectors to start a class of their choosing.  You will need to register at the terminal every 3 months.

We’re looking for adult characters who have a job that can come in and teach a workshop. For example, if you’re a policeman or fireman, you can come in and do some 1-2 hour session on defense, “how to put out a fire”, etc.

Benefits of teaching on campus

We understand that hosting a class takes a little more effort than a random RP session. Therefore, we reward every class taught with a significant amount of street and academic cred that goes towards a characters’ evolution on both campus and the streets of Hathian.

Those interested in dedicating more time on campus will begin their academic career. Everyone begins as a Lecturer, and moves up to Instructor > Professor > Tenured Professor > and up to Dean by teaching more students, hosting classes, and doing 1-1 advising sessions with students.
Ideas for Class Topics
We’re looking for adult characters who are willing to take on a one-time, part-time, or full-time teaching role to run 1-2 hour RP class sessions on any topic of your choosing. Consider them workshops, and they can even cover more focused topics such as:

  • Sex Ed 101
  • Alternative Lifestyle
  • History of Super Villains
  • Pyromaniacs 101 (how to start or put out a fire… perhaps run by an FDH employee)
  • Photoshop 101
  • Police Academy

Really, we encourage you to take an interesting topic that you may be very well familiar with or passionate about and turn it into a class session! You might even consider breaking it down over multiple workshops. The more quirky and silly a topic, the likely you’ll be able to bring in students. The more students you bring in, the more street and academic cred you’ll earn towards your character evolution.
How to Run a Class
Every class runs for at least 90 minutes. While you’re welcome to end early, really, 90 minutes is a short time for a scene with a crowd anyways. In order to best run a class, we recommend the following:

  • Pick a topic you’re interested in teaching and give at least 24 hour notice on the events calendar. Make sure you pick a day where you can definitely show up.
  • Pre-write a few posts of class instructions so you can copy/paste and modify if needed based on class reaction.
  • Plan on spending a little more than half the time doing a question and answer session to make the class as interactive as possible.
  • Plan to call out individuals to engage them in RP – maybe ask them a question while teaching to see if they’re paying attention.
  • Remember, students earn anywhere between 1-3 credits per class depending on how much time they spent in it; those who were there from the beginning till end would earn all 3 credits!

Before you know it, the 90 minutes or more will be up and you’d have created an awesome RP opportunity for students and yourself.
Student Advising Sessions
If you’re planning on becoming a part-time or full-time professor on campus, we encourage you to open yourself up to do 1-1 student advising. This would require you to do a brief RP session with a student who’s interested in getting advising for their academic career and status on campus.

The faculty offices that are dedicated for 1-1 teacher/student sessions are located at the rear of the main building. What you do in those sessions are entirely up to you, but you can  click on the projector to create a 1-2-1 class so you can both gain credit for the session.

January 29, 2014 at 10:06 am
Profile photo of Jacking Inkpen



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December 8, 2014 at 5:36 pm
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December 9, 2014 at 7:55 am
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December 16, 2014 at 6:51 pm
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April 15, 2015 at 11:20 am
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carol helstein


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April 27, 2020 at 6:55 pm
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koda slade


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May 2, 2020 at 4:02 pm
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koda slade


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May 2, 2020 at 4:09 pm
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koda slade


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May 2, 2020 at 6:26 pm
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