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SIK Breast Cancer Awareness Bikini Contest

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Lexi Morrison lexi-ella 15 years, 1 month ago.

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Profile photo of lo-inaka



UPDATE: Aizzel Gossipgirl is now in charge! -And now the one to go to with questions and such (as well as the others)

After meeting Jessi Noel ICly, I came up with the idea of being TRULY Greek and making her cause our main philanthropy (The other to be revealed soon...dundundunnn). I have attached the IC flier for the event , but below that are the rules so to speak.


Prizes: All contestants and voters receive free Tshirts and the winner receives a dinner at Lou's for two paid for by SIK as well as a 100$ visa gift card. ((ALL money is pretend - we are not actually collecting, but maybe in the future we will be able to find a real organization on here similar to the Relay For Life teams))

They can be entered up until it 2pm slt of Nov 22nd.
They can not vote for themselves, but they can vote for others.
Those paying for votes will be disqualified.
Must be in both bikini top and bottom.
Nipple MUST be covered.
Fighters will be disqualified.
Those who flash for votes will be disqualified.
((This does not mean you CAN'T do it, it would be quite funny if you did, but the SIK girls have to have some.. standards set))

Judging Rules:
Each voter gets ONE 'vote' PER girl. The winner will be determined by how much each girl "earns" in donations for BC research. This will be tallied by those in the crowd RPing giving us their donation, in local or in IM. The donations MUST BE reasonable. If its more than 50 dollars cash, they must ICly account for it. If its in the form of a check, ICLY their license number will be taken and they will be told that they will be reported if it bounces.If its more than 100 they must be able to say how that can easily just spare that kind of change.

Please everyone come by and show your support. wear PINK. Its not just for girls anymore!

November 17, 2009 at 9:52 am
Profile photo of lo-inaka



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November 17, 2009 at 6:37 pm
Profile photo of jessi-noel



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November 19, 2009 at 10:19 am
Profile photo of lo-inaka



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November 19, 2009 at 1:36 pm
Profile photo of Lexi Morrison



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December 9, 2009 at 11:46 am
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