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Columtreal University

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Students and faculty of Columtreal University in Black Bottom… for important guides and details, visit

RP Guide for Instructors! (July 10)

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Nadir Taov Nadir Taov 16 years ago.

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Profile photo of misti



Your role as an Instructor at Columtreal.


1) As much as is possible, communicate and establish some OOC rapport with your students. Talk to them about when a good time to run your class is. If you're planning an event, try and let everyone know about it a few days in advance as this gives players the chance to make sure their schedule is clear.

2) Try and make yourself available when you're not actually doing your class, possibly in the library or canteen area. This will help you to establish a rapport with both students and teachers, which will open up all sorts of RP opportunities for everyone involved.

3) Be open to other players’ ideas, whether it's other teachers or students. Roleplay happens through interaction with others so try not close off any avenues of possibility. Even if you think the idea sucks suggest ways to improve it that might make it better for you and the other players.

4) Don't be a newb snob - sure it can be frustrating if someone is oblivious to the conventions of roleplaying but that in no way means that the newb is a stupid person. If they're doing something wrong, try and explain to them a better way of going about it via IM.

5) Avoid OOC drama. If something is flaring up, try and communicate with the other party in a reasonable fashion via IM. You'd be surprised how quickly something like this can be cleared up if you avoid accusative language. "If I’ve been shot in the head it makes it impossible for me to roleplay this character, could you modify your post so that your char shoots in my direction rather than shooting me directly in the head. It’s a less power-gamey move and leaves some space for me to respond" works better than "You shot me, you're a power-gamer, I hate you and I’m calling (my Mom) an admin because you're so mean".

6) The college is a no-guns area; the sim owners feel very strongly about this. The focus of this sim really isn't combat. Hathian is a more suitable environment for this sort of roleplay. Any weapon-based roleplay is strongly discouraged and the following weapons are not allowed at all – guns and swords! If any combat should occur it MUST be melee - so no Uzi’s in your desk, please!

7) Try to avoid the mindset of needing to be the winner. Traditionally, the best sort of Crack Den roleplay has never been about beating the other person but creating involving stories.

Tips for Lessons

1) Don’t Plan Too Much
Okay, so you really don’t want to go to the trouble of planning out a minute by minute blow by blow account of how your class is going to run. This would ultimately end up frustrating for both you and your students. A lesson plan of 30 minutes maximum is plenty.

2) Don’t Plan Too Little
Having no idea what your lesson plan will be is great in theory but after the first Class is likely to get difficult. You will need to run classes for a few weeks so having a loose idea of what to cover in each 30 minute period is perfect.

3) Make Your Lessons as Interactive as Possible
This ensures that you get some actual RP with the students, and don’t just RP a lesson with you doing all the work and them doing none! Having a question and answer section at the beginning or end of your class is a perfect way to get things moving.

4) Remember You Are Teaching 18+s
Make sure the content of your class isn’t too dry or obscure as to be boring. An RP cutting/pasting facts from Wikipedia is unlikely to inspire people to return to your class. Don’t make your lesson TOO high-brow. Some of us went to college/school many many years ago! Saying this, teaching students the alphabet is unlikely to amuse.

5) Disruption to classes
This can be very difficult to handle and deal with OOC and IC. If someone is griefing or being an OOC annoyance, call security. If their IC behaviour is disruptive, ask the student to leave class – to be spoken to or disciplined later if you feel up to it. You also have the option of referring repeat offenders to the Dean’s Office. If IC behaviour is over the top for a college-environment, you can also call security to deal with the problem. I recommend the following method to deal with annoyances:
a) 1st offence - Ignore if possible
b) 2nd offence - verbal warning
c) 3rd offence - told to leave class

6. Class Schedules
Please post your class schedule on the Columtreal forum board. If you want a notice to go out to student members, please IM one of the group managers who will advertise it for you.

Teaching is a very difficult profession, and likely to be difficult to roleplay though will of course be rewarding and fun – with many other bonuses likely! Please do not just quit if you’ve had a tough time teaching, there is support available. Talk to others in the groups you’re in to get support, talk to the Deans, talk to an RP Group Manager or talk to Izzy Button.

7. Promotions
Active class lecturers can advance through the ranks of instructor to gain more prestige and respect.

1. Faculty - Not taught a class yet
2. Instructor - Taught at least one class. (Please inform Izzy Button after you've taught to get this title)
3. Professor - Taught regularly for 3 months+
4. Tenured Professor - Esteemed Professor, assisting in the University running, planning RP Events IC/OOC

February 16, 2009 at 9:35 pm
Profile photo of Nadir Taov

Nadir Taov


Sign in at the very top to read this reply. ツ

February 18, 2009 at 5:47 pm
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