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Columtreal University

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Returned Course/Teacher – Forensic Anthropology

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of mel Anonymous 14 years ago.

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Profile photo of mel



She's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack..... with just slightly longer skirts.

So since people liked the class I taught the last time - I figured why not give it a whirl again. What I need from you lovely students is comments/suggestions. What you would like to see to make it fun and most importantly.... TIMES! Would be pointless if none of you can make it so let me know!
ALSO: I realize that the world cannot be perfect and some of you will not be able to make it so... while attendance to the scheduled time is NOT mandatory, it IS necessary to schedule more than one meet up with Mel outside of the allotted class. It may be one-on-one or there may be a small group, but this will make it possible for everyone to make the most out of the RP.... and actually pass the class.

Bit on the class....
Its hands on and interactive! Be prepared to get your hands dirty and for your noses to want to hide in your face. Dead things and old bones don't always smell the greatest 🙂 There will be trips to the morgue and maybe the HPD. Homework will be minimal since most will be based on participation (RP RP RP). Extra credit is offered as well as extended office hours, obviously. Sit ins are welcome. And um... come to class if you don't know what Forensic Anthropology is XD.

About Mel IC that could be gathered with some digging and asking around: She had been in Hathian for 10 IC years (2 ooc). She's a single mom to a baby genius. She started off rough and had her fair share of arrests and trouble, but got her degrees and mellowed out (some) and thus is a legit ME and FA (Medical Examiner & Forensic Anthropologist) that likes teaching better that practicing though is pulled in on special cases when needed. Her red hair is natural... as is her tan...She likes whiskey, better than apples. UNLESS it is an apple that was soaked in whiskey for a day or two. Who wants an A?

OOC info about Mel and her player: I have a lot of time now but its sporadic! My alt is Esperanza Hernandoz and your welcome to IM me on her or any other alt you see me on for RP. IF i seem a bit pushy about the details she's giving in RP.... don't get offended! This is my area of expertise IRL as well as criminology/law so sometimes its hard for me to overlook things that i'm like ... no... that .. wouldn't... happen.... Just send me an IM and tell me to let creative license flow! Even I need reminders 🙂

Reply back with times! And don't forget to friend me 😛

Melia Cerise

February 4, 2011 at 4:31 pm
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February 4, 2011 at 7:43 pm
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February 6, 2011 at 6:43 am
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February 8, 2011 at 2:18 pm
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