I’m currently in the process of breaking down how long quarters are. In the spirit of moving things along, I motion that each quarter last a month long. I know it’s brief, but there’s got to be some speed that helps this process move along.
There’s been a little deliberation on what makes a full time or part time student. It is in my personal opinion, that full time students take two classes, while part time students take only a single class. Having a few classes is in the best interest of everybody, for there’s a lot going on the Crack Den and in real life. I’d rather not have players bogged down in classes that don’t apply toward something in a more tangible state.
What’s required to pass a class? This is a topic of much debate! I’m leaving it up to the individual instructors to decide on how to manage their classes. I will however suggest that instructors require very few assignments with grades in pass/fail. Class participation is going to be mighty difficult to maintain. I unfortunately don’t have an answer for that problem.
In the case of students, scheduling is entirely independent on their own accord. They pick their own classes to attend and fill out assignments. It’s quite important that instructors advertise when classes are held! Tell everyone, post on the forums, make notices! I’ll even make notices!
At the end of a quarter, instructors are required to pass final grades to Geoffrey Welders. Grades will be compiled and kept on file on the forums as public record! This system may change at a later date, but with quite advanced notice.
How does a student move on up? For every six credits earned, by passing a class, a student shall move up in school rank. For example, at six credits a Freshman becomes a sophomore. At twelve credits a sophomore becomes a junior. At eighteen credits, a junior becomes a senior. Finally, at twenty-four credits a senior earns a degree and becomes an alumni. In total, a full time student can graduate Columtreal University in a year.
We’re currently debating the rewards of obtaining a degree. It may be something like, when applying for a job out in CD, a college graduate automatically starts up a few ranks from the bottom or obtains a special job title. This isn’t official, but it’s what we’re playing with right now.