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Pledge point system..feed back please!!

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Tessi snowpaw tessi-snowpaw 13 years, 5 months ago.

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Profile photo of nw3231994



I have decided to create a point system to help track pledges progression.
*The ultimate goal will be to reach 2500 points
*Each pledge task will be givin a value from 0-500 points determined by the difficulty of the task and the amount of time it is completed in.
*Point value is completely up to the President/Vice President.
*Points will be given out to pledges that the President/Vice president think them worthy of
*Points can be taken away at the will of only the President
*If a Brother/Sister witnesses something they feel deserves points taken away they can bring it up with the pledgemaster/pledgemistress who will then bring it to the attention of the Vice president Only if given solid IC evidences of the pledges mis-doings that is provided from the above complaintent. The Vice President has the finally say in wither or not they agree with the complaint, and how many point will be lost. Pledges can not report other pledge as descriped above.This is the only time the Vice President has the power to revoke points.
*It is the PledgeMaster/Mistresses responsablity to inform the pledge of the complaint and decision.
*The Brother/Sisters names who issued the complaint are not to be given to the Pledge unless other wise stated by the President.
* If the Names are some how leaked with out the permission of the President the full responsablity of this will fall on the shoulders of the Vice Presidents, who is to make a in person apologie to the above Brother/Sister.
*If a Pledge has recieved the above complaint and do not agree with the complaintent, they can by pass both pledgemaster/mistress and Vice President and deal with the President directly. If the President does not agree with the Pledge he or she risks haveing all points revoked and possible probation time ranging from 1-5 days depending on severity of complaint and jugdement of President
*If the President agrees with the above pledge he or she can over turn the Vice Presidents choice to revoke points from the pledge.
*During probation time pledges can not gain nor lose points
*Pledges can not steal points, They how ever can use points as a sort of currency, subtracting points from their total and adding them to that of another pledge in exchange for favor's that are Sorority/Fraturnity related. All point exchanges must be reported to pledgemaster/mistress by both partys involved in the transaction.You can not exchange points for actual money, if found doing so pledge will enter a automatic probation period of 2 days

[so what do you guys honest!?][Revisions in red][Please excuse the typo's]

September 4, 2011 at 4:49 am
Profile photo of Tessi snowpaw



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September 4, 2011 at 5:04 am
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September 4, 2011 at 5:07 am
Profile photo of Tessi snowpaw



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September 4, 2011 at 6:45 am
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September 4, 2011 at 9:14 am
Profile photo of Tessi snowpaw



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September 4, 2011 at 2:41 pm
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