Introduction to Criminal Justice 100
Classes will be held once a week on Monday nights @ 6-7:15pm in the classroom above the library. If additional time is needed, it will be posted.
If you need extra help or have any questions, appointments can be made for any time needed.
This will be a six week course. Field trips will be planned as well when seen fit in the lesson.
Grades will be as followed:
Participation: 50%
In class writing: 10%
Term paper: 20%
Homework: 10%
Final exam: 10%
No need to worry too too much about the grades. The point of this class is to have fun while learning and I will give you plenty of chances to do well in the class.In class writings may only consist of writing a paragraph about our discussion in class. Nothing major. And the term paper will be about 2-3 pages about what you have learned in this class and you can pick from a list of topics provided. Writing assistance will always be available and tutoring as well. Any questions, please ask me.
😀 Coley 😀