Hi Everyone!
My name is Colin Ellsmere and I'm a brand new instructor at CU. I'm going to hold photography methods classes and maybe a random drawing or painting class, I'm not sure yet. Also, if possible, I'd like to hold an sl-specific photography class, in which I'll rp the sl controls as being part of some sort of camera gadget that I'll hand out in class... The only way that this will work is if the participants are able to push the graphics settings up to at least high, but preferably maximum, in their viewers. Otherwise the lighting effects available in sl don't really work. In a former avi I had a photo studio in sl, and I'm a photoshop expert irl so I'd be happy to do some ooc tutoring on the subject as well.
I'm also a musician irl, so I'd like to maybe do some sort of music class, dunno on what topic, but I'd be happy to hear suggestions!
Please respond if you're interested in attending any of these, and we'll try to schedule them to fit as many people as possible. Also, I'll post when I'll be inworld so that anyone can contact me for private tutoring.
-Colin Ellsmere