Course Title: Women's Self Defense Class
Course Description:
We all know that women are usually taken for granted, especially in a city like Hathian. Why not teach others a lesson? This class teaches basic self-defense tactics that could help prevent unnecessary abuse (Rape, perversion, sexual abuse). You don't need a gun or a knife to be tough, all you need is a brain and a keen sensibility to do it. Basically, we get to kick some arse!
-This class covers General University Requirement for Graduation (Physical Education)
-appropriate attire is required (comfortable clothing ladies)
-open to both genders (Males must come meet Miss Kim for approval)
(Female recommended)
-open to cross-enrolled students/public (not only to Columtreal University Students)
Time: 8-9 pm SLT (Friday)
Location: Gym
Attendance= 50%
Class participation=50 %
Class begins: This Friday (July 3, 2009)
*I will need weekly male volunteers for the class, please IM me in-world or PM if you'd like to volunteer. You can take the class for credit as well.*
Madame Chantrice
(SL name: Toumarow Vhargon)