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ESS101: Introduction to Exercise and Sport Science

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Alexander Brown vladislav ogrimund 14 years, 11 months ago.

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Profile photo of Alexander Brown

vladislav ogrimund


*This notice may be found attached to all Columtreal noticeboards.*

It is Time to Train!

After the long absence of a Sports side in our University, a new Head Coach has been assigned to fuel this facet and get things rolling as regards sports on Campus. Nick DiPietro is this new coach, please find below his Course's Details:


Course Code: ESS101
Course Title: Introduction to Exercise and Sport Science

Course Description: This Course will consist mainly in a Practical section with a minority of Classes dedicated to Theoretical aspect of Sport Science. It will test your level of fitness and preparation in various sports and work on improving it, attempt to stimulate and encourage a healthier, fitter lifestyle and last but not least be an enjoyable and fun way to meet and do sports with fellow classmates (and hopefully outsiders too), both cooperatively and competitively.

Course Requirements:
1) A basic capability of running.
2) Dedication and Capability of Teamwork when applicable.
3) Will to strive for improvement, even and especially when it requires physical exertion.
4) Enthusiasm.

Marking Details:
Out of a 100% Total the Grades will be given on the below criteria in the below ratios:
30% for Performance and Level of Improvement in the Sports practiced during course.
25% for Final Written Theoretical Exam - exam paper at end of course.
25% for Written Assignment - details to be given soon.
20% for Attendance and Enthusiasm shown during Classes - being present both physically and mentally and working hard.

Day and Time: Thursdays at 1PM SLT ((Unless a better spot is found more suitable to a greater number of applicants.))



"ESS101: Introduction to Exercise and Sport Studies"

Instructions: Please Fill in the form below and deliver it to the Head Secretary at the CU Administration Building by no later than 09/16/09.
((Substitute the dotted lines with the appropriate IC/OOC info and send notecard with "Course Application - " as title to VV01F Hermans. That's "Vee Vee" not "double-U"))

((IC Part))
--- Fields marked with an * are Optional and can be left unfilled ---

General Information:
Name: ............................
Surname: ...........................
Age: ...........................
Year at CU (Freshman/Sophomore/Junior/Senior): ...........................

Why do you want to attend this course?

Contact Information:
N.B. - These fields are optional so feel free to leave them all out, if you want to. However, the more ways I can contact you in, the better your chances of getting notified about anything related to you and/or your performance in my classes are. Also note, all of the information submitted with this application form will be held in strict confidentiality.
e-Mail Address*: ......................((Make up but include CrackDen Forum Name for IC PMs)) ......................
Home Phone Number*: ...........................((Make up)) ...........................
Cellphone Number*: ...........................((Make up)) ...........................
Emergency Contact Number* (Who we should contact in case of injury/illness): ...........................((Make up)) ...........................
Any allergies we should know about in case of injury: .........................................

((OOC Part))
Avatar Name & Surname: ......................................................
Preferred Times and Days of Week for Classes: .................................................................................

I, ...........................((IC Name Here))..........................., the undersigned, agree that by applying to this course I will accept the grade given to me at its termination - a grade that will reflect my Attendance to classes, Enthusiasm during classes, Performance in sports, assignment and final exam.

Please sign here: ......................................................

For Office Use Only - Do NOT write below this dashed line.
|__| DENIED Signature of Instructor: ......................................................


February 26, 2010 at 7:13 pm
Profile photo of Lexi Morrison



Sign in at the very top to read this reply. ツ

March 2, 2010 at 2:24 am
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