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CU Update and New RP Plans

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Jacking Inkpen jacking-inkpen 10 years ago.

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Profile photo of Jacking Inkpen



Hello all who are involved in or interested in CU role-play!

It's been awhile since I updated everyone OOCly in the forums on the latest RP happenings at CU, but there is actually quite a bit brewing so I'll keep it all condensed in one forum post here, and try to give more frequent updates in the coming weeks:


1. Where are all the classes on the Events Calendar? I have actually been working up some new classes for myself as well as with other instructors ICly and you should be seeing a lot more on the calendar soon. One new thing we're talking about doing is more 'field trips' and off-campus classes.

2. One example of this kind of class that I'd like to see happen is a class that is a cooking competition that takes place at a different location each week and gets recorded live by Hathian TV like the Top Chef cooking show. I have one instructor that I pitched this idea to ICly who was really into it, but we could always have more than one instructor do it, if others are available. I have an OOC message out to the Hathian TV crew to see if there is a regular weekly time that we could schedule something like this.

3. Still on the subject of field-trips and off-campus classes, we have some new/more role-play being generated between CU and the Seaside school and CD Youth in general. Please see this separate thread in the Seaside forums:

4. As I mentioned on the Seaside thread, about how 'college credit' will be given for students who volunteer to work with kids, I'll do the same for other classes that are held outside of the classrooms, which can't be used with the projector for giving transcript credit. For example, Alexandra Markus (Alexandra Melune) has been teaching a Yoga class outside of the CU Clinic for the past few weeks. Starting this week she's going to keep a roster of those who attend the class and give it to Dean Jack so they can get credit for participating in a P.E. class.

5. On Thursday, February 26, at 7:30 PM, there will be a POLITICAL RALLY at Columtreal University in support of…. Mayoral Candidate: – Rabid Calhern ((Rabid Bedlam)) and Council Member Candidates: Jayda Ferrentino ((Jayda Ferrentino)) and Paige Davenport ((Paigedavenport Resident)). Dean Jack Inkpen will be there, representing CU and voicing the university’s endorsement for these candidates. I'll fill you all in later on the IC reasons for Jack's support of these particular candidates. Anyone who knows that Paige Davenport is a Professor at CU should already have made that connection. 🙂

6. On Sunday, March 1st, Jack invites all CU Faculty to his home in Devil's Pocket for an IC cookout. I'll do this more often.

7. Dean Jack is working in getting actual internship programs at HPD and other businesses around CD in place for CU Students... more info to come.

8. Dean Jack will be hiring a few new guidance counselors soon. Some of this may lead them helping set up the internships.... some of this may lead to some very naughty RP at CU... more info to come.

9. Cayne Hayes and Grace Johnson have left the CU Clinic ICly but the role-play at the CU Clinic is not dead, and may soon include some more naughty RP at CU... more info to come.

10. There is a new football coach, Roxanne Evans (Star Attis) , and in addition to a lot of new RP and events for the Looters football team, we will be implementing some sort of Football Scholarship program in order to attract new football players to the college... more info to come.

February 23, 2015 at 1:39 am
Profile photo of Jacking Inkpen



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February 25, 2015 at 9:44 am
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