DATE: 10/02/13
PROPOSAL BY: coley cortes
TYPE: Library
SLURL: Teleport
BACKSTORY: I came about this position when I saw the group notice for the list of positions in group. My overall agenda in hathian is to help bring out roleplay and get people more involved and with me being a writer in real life, I also have a love for books. In real life, I spend a lot of my time in a library so I can relate to he atmosphere and I can roleplay it well enough and help people bring in roleplay and get along together.
UNIQUE: With my involvement, I want to get more students and faculty in the library and maybe I could do that by offering book clubs, faculty meetings, student meetings, etc. I love libraries and I find them very peaceful and relaxing and full of knowledge.
EXP:I think since I have been an active roleplayer for so long between crack den and dead end that I can make great roleplay stories and build off of each of them if i am given the chance to do so. I listen to opinions and take every suggestions into consideration.
IDEAS:I want to make the library more active with various activities to bring everyone in for some decent roleplay.
OTHER:I have an open mind and I am very creative with my roleplay.