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    Sarah-Michelle Buffy Gage

Columtreal University

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{CU Official Business} Super Chopsticks

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Sarah-Michelle Buffy Gage sabrina morningstar 6 months, 3 weeks ago.

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Profile photo of Sarah-Michelle Buffy Gage

sabrina morningstar


By Ashlee Redenblack

TYPE: Asian Food and Drink

SLURL: Teleport

BACKSTORY: IC Service: To promote and sell Asian/ Japanese sushi meals. RP: can vary within the range of making special offers and sales to organizing parties to make it a spot of attraction. Also, I am looking forward to drawing the attention of the role players from outside the campus to get them more involved in the place story as well as the Lions' backstory.



IDEAS:How do you plan to promote? Promoting the events and collaborating with other leaders is an ongoing process that never stopped since joining CD in 2017. Communication is always the key. We have been in constant contact with other leads at Hathian, CU and BW as our story has already been running since then. Parties and social gatherings is a great way. Music events and Djs is another good way to promote the place and the RP.

About the Leader: Lions Logistics & Warehouses (LLW) has established a good presence in Hathian Port Docks/Rougarou Bayou, with a city office located on Hathian Highway. This strategic positioning enables us to guarantee a seamless flow of transportation and operations related to the port. As one of the sponsors, The Lions Foundation (a charitable organization) supports the volleyball team and students at CU. We believe that establishing a center of attraction within the campus itself would be an ideal opportunity to further assist the Lions' ongoing activities. This could be achieved through hosting Japanese culture events, which would serve as a unique surprise for the campus community. In alignment with the CD website's inquiry, "Where do all the stray pets go? and maybe other type of meat too?!! we need to find out", we envision our role-playing efforts expanding through this collaboration. By working closely with current business leads within the campus, similar to our successful partnerships with Hathian and BW leads, we aim to foster a more comprehensive and engaging experience for all involved.


May 27, 2024 at 6:30 am
Profile photo of Koda Slade

koda slade


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May 27, 2024 at 6:00 pm
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