By MotokoKusanagi Kutanaga
BACKGROUND: CU has had a long and storied and sorted past with the world of sports. Covering a majority of land sports. But what has been missing in that history has been a sport involving the one thing everyone in this part of the country is all too familiar with. Water! Thais is where the Swim Team enters the scene. Swimming offers an opportunity for just about any type of person to get involed in sports. How is that you might ask? Swimming is a very well rounded form of exercise and can fit any skill level at the very start. It is also open to people regardless of physical limitations. Outside of this, swimming is just good for your over all health. And as will be held in an indoor pool, Swimming can take place regardless of weather.
UNIQUE: Swimming is a very well rounded form of exercise and can fit any skill level at the very start. It is also open to people regardless of physical limitations.
EXP:Have been both an instructor and a Coach here at CU. Basketball, Football. Was the Dean for a period of time. Ran and helped run hundreds of events over the years.
WORK WITH OTHERS:CU Cheerleaders, because every sport needs them, even if the Team Spirit gets a little damp in the process. BIX Sorority will be collaborated directly for the pool. CU Medical, for the coverage of any pool related accidents as well as over all Team health. . The team could collaborate with the FDH for training in First Aid and Lifeguarding. This could also open opportunities for Team Members to become Lifeguards in the future.
IDEAS: The Swim Team will be holding regular open practices which anyone can attend, and of course try-outs. Team will be attending as many Pep Rallies as it possibly can.