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CU Looters NOW RECRUITING Football Players and a New Coach

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Profile photo of Jacking Inkpen



The CU Looters Football Team is now recruiting a new head coach and new players. YOU CAN RP ON THE TEAM, EVEN IF YOU DON'T KNOW MUCH ABOUT AMERICAN FOOTBALL.

Check this other forum thread for more details about how the RP for the season could play out, and what kinds of events will be going on:

Check the Events Calendar for Looters! events that are already scheduled:

Check out the NEW FOOTBALL FIELD IN-WORLD right next to the campus in Black Bottom! Courtesy of Seth Vond. THANK YOU SETH !!!!!!!!!!!!!


NEW POLICY ON RECRUITING: There is no maximum number of players that can be on the team. I am listing current players and new recruits in their positions, and there are blank positions open to make it a more realistic team. However, if several players want to play the same position, it is fine. If no one takes a blank position we can NPC that player if it ever becomes necessary. The only position that is exclusive, until further notice, is the position of Quarterback, which is held by Football Team Captain, Jason Keaton (Sayyid Umarov).

I'm adding brief descriptions of the positions on the field and what their main tasks are, for those who are not very familiar with American football. You can join the team, even if you don't know how to play OOCly. Your character might not even be very good at football ICly. That is fine too.

Quick guide to your character player type:

* Can he run fast and dodge quickly when a 220 pound guy is charging at him? He could make a good Running Back (RB) or a good Wide Receiver (WR) . The WR also has to be good at catching the football. If he's also pretty big and good at tackling, he would make a good Corner Back (CB) because they have to chase after the WRs.

* Can he leap and dive over a big pile of bodies? Then he could make a good Running Back (RB) or a good Tight End (TE). Both those positions might only get a short distance on their feet and can gain several more yards if they can jump over the guys diving toward them or those already on the ground.

* Is he big and strong and able to take another guy down with a hard tackle? DEFENSE! Pretty much any position on Defense is good for this type of player. If he has good speed too, then he would make a good Corner Back (CB) because they have to chase after the WRs, or if he's able to change direction quickly and keep up with the dodgers he'd make a good Line Backer, because they are further down the field, waiting for the other team's guys to come running.

CU Looters! OFFENSE Line-up as of 3/5/2015:

1 Quarterback: The Quarterback position is already filled by Football Team Captain, Jason Keaton (Sayyid Umarov).
* Position: Behind the Center. Job(s): Passes the ball to the running back or throws it to a receiver or runs it himself.

1 Kicker: Seth Vond (Mason Halsey)
* Jobs: Kicks the football!

1 Center: ___________________________________
* Position: On the line of scrimmage. Job(s): Snaps the ball to the quarterback and then blocks.

1 Tight End: Olafr (Kip Zabaleta)
* Position: On the line of scrimmage. Job(s): Blocks or can take a short pass.

1 Half Back (Running Back): Michiaki Yamaguchi (Takahiro Muhindra)
* Position: Behind the quarterback. Job(s) : Runs with the ball after quarterback passes it to him.

1 Full Back (Running Back): Sven Stark Rost Mod (articulatedmuse Resident)
* Position: Behind the quarterback. Job(s) : Runs with the ball after quarterback passes it to him.

2 Wide Receivers: Lucifer ‘Lou’ Millet (Radioactiveboy Resident) AND ____________________________
* Position: (can be) On the line of scrimmage, or start further back. Job(s) Runs out to catch long passes from the quarterback.

CU Looters! DEFENSE Line-up as of 3/5/2015:

1 Defensive Tackle: Nick O’Connell (NickolasK Resident)
* Position: On the line of scrimmage. Job(s): Tries to tackle and take down the other teams quarterback. Tackles/blocks the other team’s offense!

2 Defensive Ends: ___________________________ AND ___________________________
* Position: On the line of scrimmage. Job(s): Tries to tackle and take down the other teams quarterback. Tackles/blocks the other team’s offense!

2 Corner Backs: _____________________________ AND _____________________________
* Position: (can be) On the line of scrimmage. Job(s) Chases the wide receivers, waits for them to catch the ball, tries to 'intercept' and catch it if the can, but usually just tries to immediately tackle the WR after that guy has caught the ball. Tackling the WR before he catches the ball is 'pass interference'.

2 Line Backers: ___________________________ AND _______________________________
*Position: Behind the defense line. Line Backers are further down the field, waiting for the other team's guys to come running. Usually lines up opposite the other team’s Tight End. Job(s): Tackles/blocks the other team’s offense!

1 Free Safety: Garrett Zero (Garrett Latzo)
* Position: Behind the defensive line. Is free to go wherever. Job(s: Tackles/blocks the other team’s offense! Often waits to defend the end zone so any opponents who almost make it for
a touchdown have to deal with the Free Safety (FS).

The blank lines (_______________) are positions that have not been filled, but remember, you can still play a position that someone else plays too.

What we are looking for in a new coach is: * FOOTBALL COACH * The role of the coach includes, but is not limited to: Working with the assistant coach, captain, and junior captains to plan the Looters! games and events. Hosting at least 2 Looters! Events per week during the season. Being an IC mentor / authority / disciplinary figure for the team players (something like that). Other rights and responsibilities can be worked out through IC role-play.

IM Jacking Inkpen in-world to join the team or apply to be the new coach!

March 5, 2015 at 2:45 pm
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March 7, 2015 at 10:37 am
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March 8, 2015 at 6:56 pm
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March 25, 2015 at 8:29 am
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