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[CU Business Proposal] Corvin Vond Crisis Center

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Alice Smith dannika dryke 10 years, 6 months ago.

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Profile photo of Alice Smith

dannika dryke


CU Crisis Center (Corvin Vond Crisis Center)
By paigedavenport Resident

TYPE: Counsel and Support

SLURL: Teleport

BACKSTORY: Counseling and support groups are a key function of modern, civil society, and recent roleplay in the Den has called for such an institution to form at Columtreal – the Corvin Vond Crisis Center at CU. Citizens need an extra-legal place to go, to work through their issues and find solutions to their problems, without involving official institutions like the police department or hospital. Either out of distrust for the system, a desire for confidentiality or a need to resolve problems that aren’t criminal or medical, people turn to independent counseling services. The CU Crisis Center could provide such services. It will maintain a staff of long-standing roleplayers to stimulate plots, by lending insight and support – sometimes, quite faulty – in a sophisticated way that adds to the rich narratives of the Den. The Group is the result of players from a variety of factions and storylines, united by the recent tragedy of Corvin Vond’s suicide, gathering to help those who feel they cannot find help elsewhere.

UNIQUE: The Crisis Center at CU will benefit the Columtreal Community and the Crack Den sims overall, by providing support services on campus and extending a support organization for conflicts that wouldn’t merit the involvement of the police or hospital. It distinguishes itself by engaging with the myriad “gray area” plots that are dramatic, but not explicitly criminal or medical. General benefit to the Crack Den community will result from counseling services that flesh out plots and character development; from support services that lend direction to roleplay in the form of work projects; and from interaction with the established Municipal Services, such as the HPD, HGH and Social Services. Benefit to Columtreal specifically will be to give the student and faculty communities cause to engage with stories that come to the Crisis Center, and to draw traffic to Columtreal for ongoing roleplay and events.

EXP: The Officer membership of the Crisis Center project includes players who manage other Groups and businesses in the Den, and who are well-established in the general community.

WORK WITH OTHERS: The Crisis Center anticipates extensive play with the HPD and HGH. Jack Hartigan of the police department has already expressed a desire to be closely involved with the Group development and roleplay, and Colton Vond is a founding member. Amira Moore of HGH has stepped forward to initiate a dialogue with HGH’s leadership and the Crisis Center during this developmental phase. Once the center is operational, the expectation is that players may be referred to the Crisis Center by HPD and HGH, and that the Crisis Center in turn will seek out HPD and HGH for the appropriate storylines, given that these social support institutions often do so.

IDEAS: The array of services that the Corvin Vond Crisis Center at Columtreal provides can stir up and flesh out a variety of plotlines, and events such as fundraisers and awareness-raising rallies are appropriate scheduled activities. Other, smaller events, in the style of CU classes, could be held, such as Group Therapy, Trust Building Exercises, AA Meetings, Parenting Classes and Art Therapy Sessions. In sum, the Crisis Center roleplay will give rise to a full spectrum of activity, with an inspiring role in ongoing storylines, small sessions and major social events.

I postpone death by living, by suffering, by error, by risking, by giving, by losing. ~Anais Nin

August 27, 2014 at 12:01 pm
Profile photo of Alice Smith

dannika dryke


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I postpone death by living, by suffering, by error, by risking, by giving, by losing. ~Anais Nin

August 27, 2014 at 12:02 pm
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