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    Sarah-Michelle Buffy Gage

Columtreal University

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CU Business Proposal – Campus Clinic

This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Sarah-Michelle Buffy Gage sabrina morningstar 2 years, 2 months ago.

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Profile photo of Sarah-Michelle Buffy Gage

sabrina morningstar


BACKGROUND: There's actually been some interesting IC dialogue and events concerning a couple of nurses at the clinic. ICily, Delina would want to apply sweeping changes to policy to avoid charges of negligence. OOC wise, as far as events are concerned, I would probably tie in The clinic with some of the medical classes Delina teaches on campus. So hands on labs where students can visit the clinic, work internships, etc. Could also do blood drives for charity (and possibly nefarious purposes) and flu season shots, also offer physicals for student athletes before seasons start. Delina's background in medicine and coroner work, as well as her two doctorates should pay dividends in assisting the Campus Clinic.

UNIQUE: As an essential part of Campus life, as well as being a detachment of HGH, It's part of the general Crack Den roleplay. An addition place students and facility can go for check ins and care. Also provide internships for campus students pursuing a medical field. It would perhaps stand out with the method in how Delina would run/operate it. As mentioned previously, sweeping changes in how things are operated, and she may indeed control with an Iron Fist. I also wouldn't mind putting in and establishing a Coroner/Crime Scene Investigation class/course attached to the Clinic. Given Hathian's location to the Swamps/Bayous of Louisiana, study into body decomposition could take advantage of the sim's environment.


EXPERIENCE:I've owned and ran multiple business and groups in Crack Den, as well as other places. My current personal business, Lubezki Mortality Services, also goes hand in hand with the Clinic's Medical Background. I've also been a mentor/admin in various places as well, so know how to operate and assist managing a group!


IDEAS:As far as new students and faculty go, could 'require' physicals before a new student starts their first semester, as a way to provide new players with a scene, and introduce to campus life in general. For those looking for a position or internship at the clinic, that would be providing them with a position, and then having the events such as blood drives to get them involved and active!


OTHER:I think the best way for the grand re-opening to go hand in hand with the newly renovated clinic would be a possible press meeting with Hathian Observer to discuss articles and interviews, not only about the renovation, but also the policy changes and setting higher standards. Then as part of it, hold the first Blood Drive, perhaps even sponsored by BIX and ASZ to get the Greek Houses involved as well!

January 12, 2023 at 2:48 pm
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