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Columtreal University

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CU Athletics Department – Teams (Proposal/Interest Thread)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Bubbs Zenovka bubbs-zenovka 10 years, 6 months ago.

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Profile photo of Bubbs Zenovka



Hi All,

I am writing this thread as a Proposal for a CU Athletics Department, which would head up all the team sports at Columtreal University. At the moment, we have already have a Football Squad and Supporting Members (Cheer Squad/Friends/Family Supporters), which has been generating Interest and Active RP on the Black Bottom Campus Region.

The Football season lasts for another 8 weeks and what I am proposing is for the break between seasons (around 7 weeks) is to create a Soccer and Basketball Squad. I am aware that the following applies to some people:

1) Football Squad Members who are interested in other sports
2) People who have no interest in American Football, but do have Interest in Football and/or Basketball.

By creating these additional teams, it means there is a constant Sports RP Environment within Campus.


The Games will be played out on a PS3/PS4 Console, Recorded as "live" and uploaded to the LG Sports Network YouTube Channel ( - The Reason that I am playing out the games this way, is because the games themselves are actually not the main RP objective, the main Objective is to generate RP Scenarios, based on Results and Extra Activites that would surround the teams (Squad Parties, Social Events etc). I Understand that within the Football Squad, we are RPing some games, but this is easier with Football, due to the Stop/Start Nature of the game itself.

With the Soccer/Basketball Teams - as with the Football Team, there will be in world Sports Kits for all members, plus Supporter Apparel (e.g. -

So. I think that covers most things, If you are interested. Can you reply below with the following, as i try to create the Squads with a resemblance to the player.

Display Name:
Team (Basketball/Football/Both:
Player Ethnicity
Beard (Yes/No):
Hair (Short/Mid/Long):

Dont forget that the Football Squad is always recruiting - contact Jason Keaton for more details on that, If you have any questions on the above. feel free to reply here or send me a IM

August 10, 2014 at 9:38 am
Profile photo of Bubbs Zenovka



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August 10, 2014 at 7:50 pm
Profile photo of Bubbs Zenovka



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August 16, 2014 at 11:35 am
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