US History 269: Fuckpuppets of the American Revolution Part 2

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Fri, Dec 12 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Last Friday, our class talked about the sex lives of George Washington and Goveneur Morris. This week, we’ll conclude by studying Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton and Ben Franklin. While the class is about sex and the women who gave their all to support freedom – and founding fathers – it’s also a class about how little we *really* know about the past and how we make stuff  up to fill in the gaps.

Some students will be asked if they’d like to read some text as if they were one of the historic figures, I’ll supply the text of course, it’s just meant to give a chance for students to pretend they’re one of the characters. . ~ Visiting guest lecturer Perry Pelham



((unlike the journalism class, which will mostly be students either practicing or talking about journalism, this history class will be a little more friendly to people who are double rezzed or zoned out or just want a bit of a break from intense rp. You can just sit and enjoy the lurid history. But obviously interaction will be welcome and encouraged)))