Municipal Appreciation Pic-Nic

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Sat, Aug 17 @ 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Table of contents

HPD Ranks:

Inspector – OOC Lead

An individual of stature in the HPD, known for their unyielding determination. The Inspector, having ascended through the ranks, now stands at the top. Unfazed by the daily concerns of their subordinates, they focus on optimizing the department.

Captain – OOC Lead

The bridge between the HPD’s seasoned officers and the upper echelons of Hathian’s political and law enforcement leadership. The Captain steers the narrative, driving the corruption that fuels our stories.

Lieutenants – Investigation Divison/Patrol Division

The apex predators of the HPD. With one in charge of investigations and the other overseeing patrol, they manipulate their subordinates, instigate cases, orchestrate raids, adjudicate disciplinary issues, and recommend officers for promotions.


The linchpins of the HPD’s daily operations. Viewed as leaders by newcomers and appreciated for their indisputable value, they are expected to mentor fresh officers, spearhead investigations, and report their findings up the hierarchy.


Officers who’ve risen above the rank of an ordinary beat cop, not through diligence, but by sheer ruthlessness. They’ve earned their place as trusted members of the HPD leadership, demonstrating their dependability and willingness to partake in corruption.

Senior Officer

An officer who’s proved their mettle on the streets, gaining a reputation for their promise and potential. While not a leadership role in itself, they are held in high regard and are observed closely for possible advancement.


An essential member of the patrol, known for their dependability. Their responsibility is recognized, and they are armed while on duty.


The hopefuls with their futures wide open, they still have much to prove to earn their trust within the ranks.

General Principles

The police department is at the heart of criminal role-play in Hathian. Since many police role-play features such as citations, arrests, or case assignments are designed to award roles to the general population – and can have a huge impact on their RP –  it’s important to understand the following points:

          • Police players are responsible for exemplary role-play etiquette, a positive attitude with both new and existing players, and maintaining inclusive stories. It is not acceptable to just RP with your close friends when you’re a member of the HPD. But you do get to meet a lot of new, and great, people! As police roleplayers, we need to be asking ourselves in each scene how we can involve the people who are present, rather than potentially excluding them, even if they’re a group (e.g. youth, or police dogs, etc.) that we wouldn’t normally RP with.
          • Police RP is not about simply leveling ranks, following complex hierarchies and mundane training requirements. Every function and feature is designed to encourage player-to-player scenes and weave stories!
          • When you join the HPD, especially if you are new to CD or to free form combat, it might happen that you are asked to reread the combat rules, to reread this guide, or to attend a combat workshop. This is not meant as an offense or insult; it’s to help you fit in, make scenes more enjoyable for everyone, and to avoid OOC issues with other RPers. Remember: As one of the most influential groups on sim, the HPD is held to the highest standards.
          • The HPD is corrupt. Every police RPer signs up for this corruption. And the department is a brother-/sisterhood. To survive the heartless streets of Hathian, every cop watches each other’s back, they turn a blind eye to the corrupt acts within the force, and no relationship with civilians is greater than the safety of the group. If you are aiming for a higher rank – being “a good cop” won’t suffice. There are plenty of ways to RP corruption – not all of them involving brutal force.
          • That being said, cops are still expected to do police work. Criminals are the enemy, and filing reports, investigating crimes and locking them up is one way to fight them. Decent police work also helps keep the general public under control – and to keep federal investigators away. It is alright to focus on this flavor of HPD RP – live and let live. You might not get as much appreciation from within the HPD as you wish for, but the citizens might love you!
          • CD laws are RP laws – they don’t necessarily mirror RL. Examples:
            • Smoking and selling weed are legal in Hathian
            • Open carry is illegal
            • Prostitution and soliciting are illegal, but are usually tolerated within the red light district
            • The age of consent – as well as the minimum age for strippers and barkeepers – is 18
          • OOC issues and the chain of command: Only Captain and Inspector (and sim staff) are authorized to handle OOC issues between players within the HPD. RP issues – like violations of combat rules etc. – can be brought to the Lieutenants. While everyone is encouraged to help others with information and advice – please don’t try to ‘moderate’ other people’s conflicts unless you have the according rank or the according sim staff position. You can always point people to the abuse report portal.
        • As member of the HPD you can’t be part of the HGH or FDH. You are allowed to work at the prison in Laveau.

This guide is written in an OOC format, but contains vital in-character information needed for daily role-playing. The information in this manual can be treated as if it’s an IC manual – your character can refer to the knowledge in this manual, and it won’t be metagaming.

If you have any questions, please ask admins or HPD leads.

Welcome to Hathian’s finest: New hires/‘rookies’ at the HPD

Important things to do once you are accepted as a cop:

  • HPD Field HUD: You will receive the HUD once your application has been accepted. If you didn’t get a HUD, you can get it from the duffle bag in the locker room (next to the uniform vendor).
  • Read this HPD guide. This handy guide you’re reading can be found on the CD website, via the HUD and soon on CD’s Discord server.
  • Refresh your knowledge of combat- and other sim rules. Check the event calendar and save the date of the next combat workshop (highly recommended).
  • Get your police uniform – details about the approved uniform and the dress code can be found in this guide.
  • You should have received two group invites: To the HPD group, and to the CD Municipal Group. If you missed your invite, try the re-inviter board at the TP point. If unsuccessful, contact the Inspector, Captain or CD admins ( You should already have CD Citizens and Crack Den Roleplay.
  • Congratulations, you’re all set!

Once you are part of the HPD, you are an active police officer. There is a persistent and long lived rumor that rookies need full training and a promotion before they can go on patrol, but rest assured: There is no such rule. Of course you can start out with RPing at the reception (actually a really good way to start, too!) and you can ask for support, team up with other new officers or with an experienced cop for your first patrols, but you are not restricted to desk duty or training.

Sometimes, specific plotlines require that officers patrol in pairs. But these restrictions will always be short term. Injured or sick officers, as well as insubordinate cops, can be temporarily restricted to desk duty – but in general rookies are expected to get out on the streets and learn by doing.

The CD Field HUD

The CD Field HUD is a vital part of our unique roleplay system. You will need it to write reports or to issue citations; it will inform you about inmates, suspects and warrants; and it will link you to other important resources. And the newest update even integrates an AI dispatch to add to your roleplay experience.

Upon clicking the HUD, you’ll find your badge number, call sign and rank displayed. The HUD offers the following menu options:

  • Good Cop – Bad Cop: Before you write a report, determine your character’s approach – are you upholding the law or leaning towards a more dubious path? If corruption is part of the scene, choose the Bad Cop option. This choice features two additional fields: You can select which type of corruption was displayed, and you can showcase your favorite post highlighting your corruption. Afterwards, you can choose from these options: Report – Citation – APB. Reports can be incident or arrest reports. Citations (or tickets) will be filed for a misdemeanor. APBs are issued to locate a suspect on the run or a missing person (for more information, refer to the ‘Bureaucracy’ chapter).
  • Roster: The roster allows you to keep track of active APBs and current bench warrants, as well as the jail’s inmate roster. It’s a good idea to check the roster when you start your shift.
  • Guide: This button will link you to this handy guide.
  • Forum: This option will lead you to the Crack Den Forum website, where you have access to the HPD’s forum section (Forums – Municipal Departments – Hathian Police Department).
  • The new AI Radio Dispatch: With the newest update, the CD Field HUD introduces a unique AI dispatch feature for the Municipal services. The AI NPC will not just call for backup or rescue services. You can also ask them for the priors of a suspect: The AI dispatch reviews past reports, checks APBs and warrants, and gives you a summary of the suspect’s criminal background. (Note: in some cases, for example when the suspect restarted their character, the priors might not match their story. One option to handle these issues is to pretend that the HPD messed up the data.The suspect might ask you to ignore the false information. Please use common courtesy, communicate and adjust your RP if necessary).

New hires are not allowed to carry a gun

As a new hire – even if you already earned a gun permit as a citizen – you are not allowed to carry a firearm when on duty. This is a non-negotiable rule and applies to all new hires according to the sim’s firearm policy. You will have to get your first promotion to regular Officer before you can have a gun. Till then – you will have a baton, and you will have a taser. And you can use the radio to call for backup. These are powerful weapons, too!

Participate in training sessions and workshops

If you have any questions after reading this guide, whether about the system, rules, RP interactions, or anything else, don’t hesitate to reach out to any brass member. We’re here to help!

We recommend that you visit one or two combat training sessions (contact: Lyssandra Ritter). From time to time, the HPD also offers Q & A sessions.These opportunities are not just for new hires; all ranks are welcome to participate. Keep in mind that combat rules and sim policies can vary from sim to sim, and that they develop over time.  Even experienced RPers can benefit from refreshers and contribute their expertise to help others.

Last but not least: Participating in training sessions and workshops might even help your career.

Also, stay informed about sim-wide workshops through the event calendar. Workshops cover various topics like RP etiquette, meta- or power-gaming, story-building, and more.

Always keep yourself updated with the sim rules. Check the forums (and soon Discord), read sim notices and ask sim staff or leads when in doubt. Don’t trust (and don’t spread) rumors, and don’t rely on possibly outdated information when you took a longer break from CD. Be aware that rules might change over time.

Your First Promotion – From New Hire to Officer

The system will automatically promote you once you meet specific requirements, but remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint. However, there are ways to speed up the process! Here are some tips to help you advance:

  • Be active and interact: Make yourself known by engaging with citizens, criminals, and other officers, including those in higher ranks. Participate in roleplay around the station, attend combat classes, and be proactive on the streets. Very important: Don’t forget to roleplay in the cell blocks with the inmates, too.
  • Show initiative: The more proactive you are and the more initiative you demonstrate, the faster you’ll climb the ranks. But – don’t feel pressured to be online 24/7 or submit countless reports every week. Remember, it’s still roleplay, not a job.
  • Please don’t try to manipulate the system; it’s bad etiquette and will be noticed. Quality roleplay matters more than earning ‘points.’ Also, remember that rank is not everything. Not everyone can make it to Lieutenant or above. Every role-player is valuable, regardless of their rank.
  • Reputation matters: Especially for higher ranks, building a reputation as a corrupt cop alongside your regular police work might speed up your promotion. However, being known for drama-free and fair roleplay will also work in your favor.
  • Respectful IC behavior towards higher-ranked officers is crucial in a hierarchical organization like the HPD. Insubordination will have negative IC consequences – don’t expect them to recommend you for a promotion if you don’t respect their authority.

Returning officers

If you’re a returning officer to the HPD, you can request your prior rank to be reinstated. The decision will be made by the HPD leads on a case-by-case basis, based on various factors, such as your previous rank, the circumstances of your departure, the duration of your break, or the current number of officers in the department.

Interaction with citizens and criminals

Your OOC goal as a police officer is not to eliminate crime and make Hathian a “safe” town without gangs. The police department and criminals need each as a counterpart – the ongoing conflict is what makes CD exciting. Fight them in-character (IC) with passion, but avoid sabotaging their stories out-of-character (OOC).

We’re all here to have fun, not to accuse or hate on each other OOC. It’s normal to encounter RP issues and disagreements, but let’s handle them civilly. Avoid jumping to generalizations, don’t bash individual RPers or entire groups based on a single scene or an honest mistake. Sometimes people want to vent, but toxic group chat or constant negativity escalates easily to hurtful drama – and has a negative impact on the HPD’s reputation.

If necessary, address issues politely in IM – or make use of the abuse report system. Always remember that everyone can have a bad day, nobody is perfect – you and your fellow officers included. And: We all once have been new, and everyone has the potential to learn and improve.

General roleplay guidelines

  • When entering a scene, wait for a full post round before you join in.
  • Don’t have your gun out when arriving at the scene, and don’t draw in the first emote. Exception: If you were called into a scene and know IC that the suspects are armed or that gunshots have been fired, you can come in armed.
  • Guns shouldn’t be used in every scene. You have a baton, you have a taser, you have fists, and you often will have the numbers – get creative!
  • If you call for backup, do so in two emotes (1. taking the radio and 2. making the call)
  • In big scenes, consider opening a chat conference, with all participants involved or with representatives from both groups. Communication will help to avoid OOC arguments.

Do you have a slow day and are you looking for action? Check the police roster for warrants and APBs, check notices for storylines and changes, check on inmates and role-play with them before going on patrol. Don’t be afraid to check OOC chat to see if there is anyone who fancies a dance with a cop.

Gun confiscations

“Confiscating guns” has been implemented to limit gun use. After three confiscations, the gun permit will be automatically revoked for a limited period of time. This is meant to discourage people from carrying or using their guns all the time.

  • All guns used in a crime scene (even when used in self defense) and also all (concealed) guns found on arrested suspects will be confiscated.
  • Open carry is not allowed in CD. If you see a gun – you can confiscate it.
  • Guns that are “thrown away” during a crime scene can – and most likely will – be found and confiscated
  • In all these cases you must mark “confiscate gun” in the report. This is not debatable, and you can’t be bribed out of it (because it’s both an IC and OOC rule).
  • Usually, HPD will not actively and randomly search for concealed guns outside of crime scenes – unless there is a valid reason to search a citizen (corruption and harassment can be ‘valid’ reasons). A gun that is found during a random frisking can be taken, thrown away or unloaded by the cops, but it will not be an official (OOC) confiscation (don’t tick the box!).


Principles: jail RP is not supposed to be OOC punishment. We expect criminals to do their time when caught, but we don’t want to discourage criminal acts. Criminal RP, along with HPD corruption, makes CD dangerous and exciting. In RP, few things are worse than boring hours without interaction. This is why we highly encourage cops to RP with the inmates.

Not every scene must end in an arrest! Alternatives like beatings, demanding bribes, information or personal favors should be considered, especially if you know in advance that you won’t be around for jail RP.

Golden rule: The cop making the arrest should RP at least one jail scene with the inmate. 

But sometimes it’s just not working. RL happens, time zones differ, or other, equally important RP gets into the way. Whenever you have time, check if there are inmates waiting for interaction. Inmates can also reach out in OOC chat or IM when they are waiting for a scene. They also have several options to create their own RP: they can be visited by friends, enemies or lawyers, and of course they can (and should!) RP with each other, too.

It is not allowed to bring your sidearm into the cell block area.

  • Every inmate (regardless if the procedure is RPed out or has to be NPCed) goes through a metal detector and a cavity search, and is possibly X-rayed.
  • All personal items will be removed, including piercings, guns, drugs etc. (It’s allowed to RP piercings as removed instead of detaching them).
  • If the search is NPCed, there is NO way to smuggle anything in. No guns, no phones, no drugs, no dangerous objects etc.
  • If the search is RPed out, it is theoretically possible to smuggle things in or to keep private objects/clothing, but only if it’s explicitly stated in RP: The cop can look the other way, be bribed, or maybe they just didn’t pay attention.
  • Jail uniforms: There is a free vendor for orange prison clothes on the wall of the cell block. Inmates are allowed to wear their own uniforms as long as they fit in color and design.

IMPORTANT: while it might be possible to overpower and disarm a cop through valid RP, or even to start a prison riot, jail escapes always need the approval of the HPD OOC leads or sim admins. The HPD is always staffed, there is always NPC backup, nobody can just walk out or break through doors or walls without approval.

Fake charges / corrupt reports

It’s good practice to ask for consent before you arrest someone for fake charges. They might have valid reasons to avoid jail time, like a planned scene, an event they organize etc. If so, they of course should act accordingly, too: They should comply and not provoke an arrest.

Trumped-up charges don’t need consent. They will be on the record, but usually won’t have a big effect on jail time: With the last update the maximum jail time is limited and bail is possible after 24 hours.


  • Visitors are allowed in the visitation area, but not in the cell blocks. If the rooms are occupied or the inmate is already in a scene, the visit might be denied and they have to come back later.
  • If no cop RPer is available, visitors can be guarded by NPC cops. The same limitations as for arrests/searches apply: NPCs cannot be outwitted or bribed, smuggling is not possible.
  • If the guards are RPed, smuggling/bribing might be possible, but of course also will have IC consequences, if found out.


  • Same rules as visitors apply to lawyers. Additionally they can talk to their clients in  the interrogation room instead of the visitation area and they can request to turn off the cameras for legal reasons (which might or might not be granted).
  • legal RP should be allowed for every inmate, don’t block people’s RP. That doesn’t mean that cops have to be overly cooperative or friendly…

The Gym

Inmates are allowed to use the gym when no officers are around. Of course there always will be NPC officers to stop any possible fights or breakout attempts.


  • Bail is generally not allowed before 24 hours (there might be rare exceptions for IC reasons).
  • Cops can access the bail system through the computer in the main lobby and are required to follow the system. After 24 hours anyone, regardless of charges, can be bailed out. The amount that has to be paid depends on the charges.
  • Keep in mind that only 10 % of the total fee have to be paid; the rest is due if they don’t show up for trial (we don’t have a court system in CD, trials are usually NPCed).
  • In a corrupt HPD, officers may expect additional financial or other favors before processing bail.Please don’t process bail while the inmate is offline. They can request OOCly to have bail denied if they want to stay longer. If in doubt, reach out and ask.

Parole and probation officers

Probation officers have access to the HPD interrogation and visitation rooms to visit inmates.

Under no circumstance are parole officers allowed in isolation or the cell block – except if arrested themselves.

  • If an inmate wants follow up RP for parole, please advise them to contact Civil Services to continue their RP.
  • The CS building has rooms for probation RP on the second floor. Don’t stop inmates from going there, but of course they will be escorted by (NPC) guards till they are back in their cells. As always, NPC guards can’t be tricked or fought, any escape attempts or other trouble will require an active police player to interact with.

For more information reach out to the CS lead or to HPD leads.

Youths and Civil services

Youth cases are to be filed just like any other cases. However, criminal youth will be locked up at the Civil Services building, not at the station. Please inform one of their social workers (or the lead).

Runaways or orphans are to be escorted to Civil Services, too. Contact CS staff or lead for assistance.

At the station, youth characters are allowed in the lobby and in the visitation room.


Large scale police operations (like raids of gang hideouts, large street searches that include check points, riot control etc.) need approval by HPD Leads (Lieutenants or above) or sim admins.

These big operations require coordination, planning and communication, not only within the HPD, but also between the HPD and other sim factions, groups and administration. Please be considerate and ask for approval in time.

Special equipment – like riot gear, rifles, specialized vehicles, etc. – also require approval of HPD leads or admins.

Going OOC or AFK

If you need to go away from the keyboard for a while, or if you are busy with writing reports and not available for RP, please put on your OOC tag and move your avatar into the locker room or hide in the restrooms.

Please avoid idling in places where people may approach you. It can be very frustrating to feel ignored.

The Bureaucracy…

Reports – what to do

Reports are the core of the HPD system and should be done correctly to ensure everyone gets the credit they deserve.

Every interaction with suspects, victims or witnesses can be filed as an incident report.

If the incident results in one arrest, you check the according box on the form and choose the suspect’s account name from the drop down menu, and it becomes an arrest report.

Important: If you are arresting more than one suspect, you will have to fill out multiple arrest reports, one for every single suspect (otherwise the system might glitch, it will not record the gun information or the individual charges correctly). Maybe you can share the workload with other cops involved in the scene – make sure to communicate with them so no double reports will be written.

  • Before filing a report, you will have to choose your character’s state of mind on the HUD: Good cop or bad cop. If you are undecided, don’t stress – there is no big difference. When Bad Cop is selected, the report will display additional fields to identify the type of corruption and an opportunity to showcase the player’s best post from the scene that highlights the corruption.
  • If an arrestee has a gun – the gun will be confiscated. Regardless if it was used in the scene or not. Don’t forget to check the according box on the report form. This is non-negotiable, and you can’t be bribed out of it. It’s necessary information (IC and OOC). After three confiscations, the suspect’s gun permit will be automatically suspended for a set period of time.
  • The account names given in the drop down menu (officers, witnesses, victims, suspect) are OOC information. They are needed for the system to give credit to the people involved. Don’t leave these boxes blank, and include the names of all officers on scene. If a reporting person refuses to give you names, assure them that it’s not metagaming. If the suspects are unknown ICly, please don’t forget to check the according box.
  • The summary should be written as an IC report. Feel free to be as vague, as specific or as truthful as your character would be in the situation. Keep in mind that these IC reports might be accessed by lawyers or the press. You can include anything your character knows or thinks about the incident – but you probably don’t want to admit your own crimes here. Corruption and police brutality won’t be officially reported of course.
  • In the OOC section, you can add helpful OOC information that might be needed for follow up RP. Important info: is the suspect known IC or not? Or, who else is involved? What kind of evidence can be found? Not obligatory: You also can note here if you have made up charges or manipulated evidence.
  • Evidence and follow up: Note the evidence you have found IC, and specify what kind of follow up RP is needed, such as APB, contacting witnesses, HGH reports etc.
  • Always submit the report right after the scene – in the case of arrest, after booking the suspect into a jail cell. If you have to log, please make sure another officer will take over and submit the report.

Reports – what to avoid

  • Avoid OOC remarks, and any judgment of the RP. OOC rudeness is of course not allowed. These reports are publicly and OOCly accessible. They are not the place to vent about a scene. If you believe rules have been broken, make use of the abuse report portal and let sim staff handle it.
  • Don’t write reports when you can’t at least fill in the suspect’s and the victim’s account name: Crimes with NPC victims or committed by NPC attackers will not be recorded. However, you can still RP these cases – just do not put in a report. Exceptions (for example when a sim wide story requires NPC victims) always need HPD lead or admin approval.
  • Don’t file a report on your own alt. If your crime wouldn’t otherwise be reported – reach out to another officer or to a witness instead. If that doesn’t work, contact a brass member for advice. This applies to all kinds of reports, be it investigations, incidents, arrests or citations. Reporting your own alt is considered unfair and gaming the system, and it could lead to being fired from the HPD.

Correcting reports

If you forget to include a participating RPer in a report, you will have to rewrite and submit a new report while closing the old one. Please only do this within a reasonable time frame, not weeks or months after an incident. Correcting old cases would unnecessarily flood the system. If people insist that an old report has to be corrected, consult HPD leads first.

Case Assignments

In addition to patrol duties, an important function of the department is for detectives and officers to team up and resolve cases.

Incident reports will be reviewed by Sergeants and above. If a report requires follow up, active detectives and the reporting officer(s) will be signed up to begin the investigation – which might include and is not limited to tracking down witnesses, taking statements, collecting CCTV footage, and more. All officers involved are encouraged to investigate!

Assigned detectives and involved officers will receive in-world notifications and can track their case assignments using the Case Assignment boxes at the station.


Search or arrest warrants can be submitted from the computer terminals in the main lobby. Please be as detailed as possible and include case file numbers. Warrants require approval from sim staff, which might take some time (contact a brass member if it seems to take too long).

Warrants remain open in the system until they are actively closed.

All Point Bulletin (APB)

All-Point Bulletins (APBs) allow officers to issue alerts for suspects at-large or missing persons. Officers on patrol can use the description of the character to apprehend them if found in public.

APBs are posted via your HPD HUD. For missing persons, or individuals who are wanted for a simple interview, make the APB public so everyone on sim can see it. However, if you’re looking for a suspect or someone who might run away if they know they’re being sought, make sure to set the APB privacy to ‘Private’. Thus only HPD members have IC-access to the information.

Make sure you set the “OOC ID Status” to ‘Known’ only if your character ICly knows the name of the person they’re looking for.

APBs will automatically expire after two weeks – after that you might have to resubmit them, if necessary.

Bench Warrants

When someone fails to pay their fine for a citation, the system will automatically issue a bench warrant. Not every bench warrant has to result in an arrest – actually the charge ‘failure to pay’ does not even exist in the system (if you still want to arrest them – be creative. For example charge them for ‘obstruction’ instead). This provides an opportunity for corruption and extended roleplay. You can simply demand the money they owe (or more) – or ask for personal favors or seek information in exchange.

Citations / Parking Tickets

For minor breaches of the law or administrative offenses, you can issue fines/citations. They are a way to engage civilians without severe consequences and introduce new players to HPD RP.

They also offer an excellent opportunity to line your own pockets – manipulate the fine, or insist on immediate payment, etc. If you cite someone for carrying a weapon openly, don’t forget to check the ‘firearm confiscated’ checkbox when you submit the ticket.

When a citation is submitted, the automated Court Mailer will send an in-character notification to the person with instructions to pay the fine at the station.

Parking tickets: please use common courtesy. People pay for their vehicle permits, it is unfair to harass them – make sure they can enjoy the RP. Don’t ticket one and the same car over and over again, and notify the owner of the car about the ticket.

And note: against popular belief, filing dozens of citations will not necessarily help you get promoted. Trying to trick the system may have the opposite effect on your career progression.

The HPD station


The HPD is always staffed. It’s a police station. If there are only a few or no players around, you can be sure that there are enough NPCs to keep the station operational.

  • Only HPD players can RP NPCs, and NPCs can not engage in combat. Exception: When no cop RPer is available, NPCs can handle tasks like frisking, managing visitors, guarding the visitation room or gym, etc. However, they will mostly be passive, they can’t be bribed or outwitted – instead they will be dutiful and effective.
  • When a cop player is around, but busy with another RPer (e.g., beating up an inmate) they can use our trusted and infamous NPC Officer Porkins for tasks like processing bail, releasing inmates or assisting with finding warrants, criminal records, etc.

If unsure about using NPCs for specific purposes, please contact HPD leadership for guidance.

HPD doors

  • Presumably all doors inside the HPD are locked – unless an officer RPs leaving them open. This includes the door that is leading to the cell block.
  • The cell doors are locked with mag locks. In case of a blackout they will automatically lock shut and have to be opened manually. All officers carry the required key in their duty kit.
  • NPC Officer Porkins has the power to open all doors in case of an emergency (only with lead or admin approval).

The Lobby

  • The lobby doors can be locked by HPD officers inside the building – for example from  behind the reception desk. The windows are bulletproof – and due to past attacks, the HPD got high quality glass.
  • As Hathian is located in a hurricane-prone area, the HPD is well-prepared for emergencies. There is a backup generator and a fire suppression system.

Camera locations

Surveillance cameras cover almost all areas of the HPD, leaving no blind spots. However, the CCTV does not record audio – like all official surveillance systems in CD.

The ONLY camera free areas are:

  • Lieutenants’ Offices and Inspector’s/Captain’s Office
  • Isolation (for obvious reasons…)

CCTV access: The footage can be viewed by Sergeants and above, lower ranked officers have to ask them for permission. Only Lieutenants and above can alter the recordings or approve manipulations.

The evidence room

  • Evidence and contraband – such as drugs, confiscated money/counterfeit money, weapons, as well as photo and DNA evidence or stolen goods – will always be securely stored inside the evidence room. Firearms will always be stored unloaded.
  • The following items will not be stored in the evidence room: explosives, bombs, biohazard items, or any dangerous items that could cause damage to the station. These items will typically be cataloged upon arrival and then safely disposed of.
  • Access to the evidence room requires officers to have their signature and badge number recorded, and CCTV is in place to monitor the room. Attempts to steal contraband or tamper with evidence can lead to severe consequences or even suspension. Maybe consider convincing or bribing a higher brass member to help you.
  • Considering how difficult it is to steal from the evidence room, the best way to get your hands on confiscated items like drugs or money is to simply keep them – before they get stored and registered.
  • If you steal contraband from another officer’s case, you should inform them OOCly. If the plan is to sabotage their investigation by destroying or severely manipulating evidence, consent of the assigned officer(s) is necessary.

Damage to HPD property / Car parking lot

  • Major damage to the police station and the parking lot requires permission from Lieutenants or above. Major damage means: anything that would hinder roleplay in that area and is not easily fixable.
  • Police cars can only be damaged with the owner’s permission, just like any other car.
  • Large scale attacks, prison riots, outbreaks etc. need permission from the HPD leads (Inspector/Captain) and/or admins.


HPD Group

The in-world HPD Group is an OOC group, meant for chatting and questions. We expect respectful and friendly behavior in this group. Toxic behavior and any kind of OOC hate speech will not be tolerated.

Don’t bash other players, their characters or their RP. If you have an issue with a player or a scene, report it through the appropriate channels (talk to the HPD leads and/or make use of the abuse report portal).

If these group rules are violated and no moderator can step in, please save a log and report the incident to the HPD leads or to sim admins.

Please don’t share the group chat with people outside the HPD.

Municipal group

The Municipal group is the main radio channel for all emergency services and it’s strictly IC. HGH , HPD and FDH have access to this channel. Please don’t use the Municipal group for OOC chat, unless you have questions regarding an active scene. For jokes and banter, use CD OOC.

If you RP a dispatcher, please be considerate. Of course your character can be funny, but keep in mind: calling 911 often is part of a potentially dramatic scene and/or the wrap up of a long RP. Don’t make it all about yourself. Emergency services should be called as soon as you have the necessary information, usually in your second post.

How to use the radio

  • When using your radio, treat it like a weapon – one post to ‘draw’ it, another post for the actual message. This is especially important when anyone is near enough to potentially interfere.
  • please post the message in the municipal channel and in local chat. Even when you are whispering.
  • If you are called as backup, don’t show up instantly. Don’t TP in (unless lag forces you). Consider the distance between yourself and the scene. One full postround  should be the minimum before you arrive; if it’s a small group, maybe more. Take care that you post in correctly – after arrival you still should wait one full postround before you interfere.

HPD Blotter / Police reports

The HPD blotter is OOC information for anyone who is not part of the HPD.

ICly, only HPD can access open cases, defense lawyers won’t have access until after the case is closed and goes to court, or when the Civil Service lead gives them out.

When in doubt, reach out to the assigned officer and ask if they are done with the report.

The HPD won’t disclose information to lawyers or press unless it’s directly from the media liaison (at least not officially).

Uniforms and dress code

Only approved uniforms are allowed at the HPD. Currently approved is the Wazzer uniform, you can purchase it at the station’s locker room.

Detailed instructions:


  • Long or short sleeve, cuffed long sleeve is authorized.
  • HPD patch must be visible on sleeve (UUID for the patch: aa030e2e-4e56-7faa-af78-eab22bfca198).
  • Collar pin. Rookies/Officers will wear ‘Police’ pin, Senior Officers will wear single chevron, Corporals double chevron, Sergeants triple chevron. Lieutenants single bar, Captain double bar, Inspector star.
  • Officer will wear the correct rank badge above left side pocket.
  • Nameplate (preferably lastname, due to the character limit you can also use your firstname or abbreviations).
  • American Flag or ‘Thin Blue Line’ pin above nameplate (not required).


Boots are required, whether they be working boots or combat boots, steel toe suggested.


  • Black plate carrier tactical vest, preferably with Police stencil.
  • Possible brands: Wazzer, SISU, ASI or TRB

Duty belt

  • Possible brands: D1mgt, Epia, Wazzer, TRB

Please note that violating the dress code can lead to suspension from the HPD. Yes, seriously.

Fantasy uniforms, stripper costumes or fetish uniforms are not allowed. Yes, this has to be said 🙂


  • The duty belt usually contains: taser and taser cartridges, pepper spray, handcuffs, zip ties, and – if you are an armed officer – the service pistol and two magazines (speedloaders for revolvers).
  • Kevlar vest/plate carrier vest/stab resistant vest.
  • Radio
  • Badge
  • Flashlight
  • First aid kit
  • Small knife
  • Boots

Cattle Prods or stun batons are NOT part of your equipment. Swords, machetes, katanas, maces, axes and other historical or fantasy weapons are NOT appropriate, cyberpunk and sci-fi weaponry neither. Leave them to the realms and eras where they belong.

Tactical gear

Tactical gear (heavy riot gear, shields, shotguns, rifles, teargas, flashbangs, door breaking rams etc.) require approval of HPD lieutenants and above. For all weapons, assault rifles included, the sim rules apply: Not more than two rounds can be shot per post. Tactical gear will only be approved for specific events. Keep in mind that you are already much better armed and protected than the average criminal, you don’t need more weapons.

Dress code for detectives

Detectives dress to blend in, not to stand out. Business or business casual attire. Avoid bright colors, ostentatious, flashy clothing, statement jewelry or unusual hairstyles – you may need to meet with the victims of violent crime or their families at a moment’s notice.

Acceptable outfits: suits, cargo pants and sweater, pants and blouse. No high heels or fetish wear. If you look like you should be on a pole, it will be arranged.

If you are not sure if the outfit you fancy fits the dress code, reach out to brass to confirm before buying. HPD leads have final say.



HPD tasers are one shot projectile guns. Means: if the taser is fired and missed, it needs to be reloaded. Officers can carry 3 or 4 extra charges, plus two on the taser – one loaded, the other one under the handle.

The common CD rules for projectile weapons apply. Always follow the current combat rules; updates may override this guide. Please check if in doubt.

Tasers are powerful weapons and should be used responsibly, especially when confronting unarmed suspects/citizens.

Firing a taser requires two posts:

          1. Draw and Aim (usually in one post)
          2. Fire

If you miss your target:

          1. Reload with a new cartridge
          2. You can shoot in the second post.

If you hit your target:

Two metal prods are shot out of the gun, which are connected to an isolated metal wire. These wires connect the prods to the taser’s battery (50.000 voltage). To work, both metal prods have to connect with the body.

Normal reaction to such a hit: Painful muscle spasms will make the person fall and unable to move. The spasms continue until the trigger is released or until the battery is depleted. The electricity won’t affect anyone touching the tasered person or the wires.

Most people will go down fast when hit by a taser. This is not a question of pain resistance or strength, and you can’t “get used to being tasered”. The electric current will keep your muscles from working correctly, you will lose control over your body movements. Only very few individuals can handle it without being instantly disabled (note: this is not impossible, but it is often considered bad etiquette in RP).

Possible side effects: In rare cases (especially with pre-existing conditions), being tasered can lead to severe heart complications, including cardiac arrest.

RP advice: When tasered, normally the victim should be unable to act for at least one full post round.

As long as the prongs are connected to the body, the Officer can pull the trigger again to keep the suspect incapacitated.

Range: up to 11 meters, depending on the cartridge. The longer the distance, the easier you will miss. Tasers will work close range with direct skin contact, too.

Videos of taser usage:

Info about X26 taser and M26.


After successful completion of your probationary period (“New Hire” on the roster), you are approved as an armed officer. Only handguns are allowed as standard equipment (calibers below .50s, see Firearms guide). Choose a realistic-looking model with low script usage.

  • Rifles or any other firearms need approval from HPD leads or admins.
  • Don’t draw a gun with the first post, unless you are called in and know ICly that the suspects are armed. Only In this case you can (but don’t have to) arrive with your hand on your gun or even with your gun drawn.
  • If you can avoid using your gun, do it! Guns tend to end scenes. Especially when your counterpart doesn’t draw a firearm – make use of your baton, your fists, and your creativity.
  • Make sure you have read the firearm guide, and attend combat classes to update your knowledge about armed RP. If you have any questions, please ask HPD leads or sim staff.
  • Gun rules violations should always be reported to the HPD leads or filed as an abuse report.
  • It is not allowed to bring your sidearm into the cell block area.

Keep in mind – violating firearm rules can lead to temporary or even permanent suspension of your gun permit. 


Like everyone on sim, cops need a vehicle permit to drive a car. To limit lag, only these cars are currently approved:

For all officers:

  • PSC-Dominator SGM LED

  • PSC-Dominator SGM

For detectives, the dominator is allowed in plain black without signage (it’s modifiable)

For brass (corporal and above):

  • PSC-Ballistic Squad

Currently, it’s advised to buy these cars on the marketplace and not on sim – the vendors at the municipal garage haven’t been updated by the creator.

Any other vehicles require approval by the HPD leads.

K9 units and handlers.

To become a K9 you have to apply to the HPD like any officer. Once accepted, seek approval from a brass member to play a K9. It is advisable that you play a human patrol officer first, to get a feel for police work and interactions with the community.

In the HPD, a K9 is considered a tool and a weapon. Although bonding can occur between handler and dog, and although dogs have individual personalities, don’t expect HPD stories to revolve around animal RP. Human lives and health will always take precedence.

In CD, animal characters can’t have a death limit – your character can be killed.

Those attacked by a dog might fight back with force, and a dog is vulnerable. That being said – random killings of dogs are not to be expected.

If you get killed on duty, you can of course come back as a new character. And your handler and the rest of the HPD will certainly seek justice/revenge. You might be a weapon – but a K9 is still part of the brother- and sisterhood, too.

  • K9 (and also their handlers) must be player characters. NPC dogs are not allowed. 
  • Officers are not required to go on patrol with a K9 – those who are K9 handlers are marked on the roster, feel free to contact them.
  • You don’t have to team up with one specific handler – just like handlers can RP with more than one K9.
  • Appearance: K9 must be realistic looking domestic dogs of reasonable size. Think German shepherd or Rottweiler. Wolves or wolf hybrids are not permitted.
  • Equipment: A K9 can wear a ballistic vest, they are available on the marketplace (for example from PSC).
  • K9 handlers have to contact brass to request the role. Please remember that a trained dog is a powerful and dangerous weapon. Use it responsibly.


The Columtreal  University Police Department is a full-service law enforcement agency with jurisdiction across the Columtreal University campus and CU-owned property. Additionally, CUPD officers may enforce law, and respond to calls for service within the community that is in the immediate area of the university (i.e. the Black Bottom sim).

If a 911 call from Black Bottom is dispatched, and no CUPD is available, you can take over and answer the call. In case of major crimes, offer support.

The CUPD only has a small holding cell. If longer holding time is required, they can coordinate with the HPD for transport to HPD jail. HPD leads have to approve the transport.

HPD and Laveau/Blackwaters

The HPD has no jurisdiction in Laveau. You will not answer calls from there or cross the border in uniform or with HPD vehicles – at least not without approval of the Backwater Sheriff Department and HPD leads.

Cooperation between HPD and Backwater Sheriff Department is possible, but always needs approval from HPD leads.

The rules regarding Backwater are still a work in process, updates will be announced inworld and on the webpage/Discord. if you have questions, please reach out to the HPD leads or admins.

Corruption and the HPD

There are many roads to corruption… corruption comes in all flavors and degrees. From bribery and extortion, planting evidence, to using excessive force and abuse or torture of inmates. Note – you don’t have to become a brutal sadist cop to be part of it (but … you can).

To be accepted at the HPD and to gain a higher rank, it is important that you don’t rat out your colleagues. When they cross lines you wouldn’t cross yourself, it is expected that you look the other way.

Regarding the visibility of corruption, the department’s policies might vary. Often, instilling fear and demonstrating power might be appropriate. While at other times, it’s wiser to avoid too much public attention or media coverage. Pay attention to your leads, they will lead by example, and take them seriously when they give directions. If your corruption negatively affects the department – higher ranked brass will have to correct you.

Only an Inspector or Captain can authorize internal investigations on another officer. 

Police reports on fellow officers need to be given to Lieutenants and above – do not post them in the system if the suspect is an officer.

Especially new cops should take their time to learn the ropes when it comes to corruption. For many it’s a process of character development – from wanting to do good, over being disillusioned and frustrated  – to sliding deeper and deeper into a world of police brutality and extreme corruption.

As an experienced officer, make it your task to mentor and guide the new ones. Aside from paperwork and investigations, they need to learn how to survive the streets and how to contribute to the HPD’s notorious reputation. Take them on patrol, teach by example, explain the dos and don’ts. Keep in mind that one day, they will have your back. Don’t boss them around just for the fun of it.

Of course there will also always be those Officers who fight for law and order; who want to follow procedures and make lawful arrests. These might not receive much official acknowledgement – and they most likely will never reach brass status. However, they can go to bed with the feeling they have done the right thing.

As long as they don’t step on toes within the HPD – these cops are tolerated as useful. They play a crucial role in keeping the public and the media calm, and their hard work contributes to the endless war against the criminal factions.

Forms of corruptions – examples

These are just examples, don’t limit your own creativity!

Remember, breaking the rules of loyalty might have severe IC consequences, up to suspension/removal from the force. So – better don’t get caught if you act against another (higher-ranking) cop’s interest.

Deals with gangs

Officers are allowed to collaborate with gangs, e.g. they can take bribes, buy or sell drugs or other illegal items, hire informants etc.

But always keep in mind: Loyalty to the HPD comes first! You can’t join a gang or put their wellbeing over the safety of a fellow officer – or there will be severe consequences.

Covering other Officers

The HPD is a brother- and sisterhood. Support your fellow officers, no matter if they follow protocol or not. Cover their back when out on patrol and assist where you can. Unity is crucial. If you have an issue with what they were doing – bring it to your superiors’ attention, but don’t sell them out to criminals or the public.

Sexual violence and torture

CD is a forced fantasy sim – extreme (sexual) violence is to be expected. Of course you will always respect people’s OOC limits.

While being a sexual predator will not lead to any disciplinary actions, you might want to avoid direct confrontation with officers who don’t support such behavior. Lock doors, take your victim to isolation, remove evidence, intimidate witnesses.

Vital medical attention should be facilitated, one way or the other. Dead inmates draw too much attention.

If EMTs are called and the patient can be moved, they should be transported into the lobby for treatment.

HPD Cookie Jar

The HPD’s budget is shockingly small. You are expected to help keep the department running. Trump up citations, take bribes when processing bail etc. – the HPD will gladly accept your donation to finance ammunition, replace body armor or vehicles, repair damages or even throw a party from time to time. Being generous might even help your career.

Confiscated weapons, drugs and stolen goods

Contraband is stored in the evidence room. Stealing from there is not easy – your access will be registered and there is CCTV. Any manipulation or theft should be RPed out if possible. The best way to get contraband is to steal it right away before it’s registered. You can keep, sell, or use it as you wish.

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