Barrcuda’s Presents ‘Whose Your Paddy?”

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Mon, Mar 17 @ 2:00 pm

“Alright, be honest… Who’s your Paddy? No really… who is it? That guy buying you green shots? The girl winking at you over a Guinness? Your Uber driver named Patrick? Look, we don’t judge—just grab a drink, find a Paddy, be a Paddy, or collect as many Paddies as possible. We’re celebrating St. Patrick’s Day the only way we know how… with questionable decisions and definitely too much Jameson! So put on some green, bring your best (or worst) Irish accent, and get to Barracuda’s for Who’s Your Paddy?—where luck, love, and liquor are all up for grabs!”
Barracuda’s Bar—March 17th @2pm. Don’t overthink it… just go!

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