One of the complaints I hear most from citizens and officers alike is that HPD officers face absolutely no consequences for any crime. In trying to address this, I have ICly discouraged officers from intimidating or harming a citizen just for reporting a crime. Of course they still can and might, but it should be significantly less frequent.

I have also told all officers to submit complaints against officers to the Sergeant(s) in charge of the accused officer's division. The Sergeant will review and investigate the crime. Now chances are, most crimes will still be consequence free for officers, we are corrupt after all!

But, if the crime is too visible, too severe or involves a victim we would normally try to protect such as a family member of another officer or an employee of HGH or FDH, there may be consequences. Rookies and Officer I are most in danger under this as they should be more cautious in how corrupt they allow themselves to be, or appear to be.

Punishments and disciplines will be entirely directed by the Sergeant. The officer may get a reward instead of a punishment if it's something they find entertaining. That said, officers who break the law may be subject to suspension (no more than 72 hours, just like the criminals), demotion, painful and/or humiliating punishments or even possible termination in rare and extreme cases.

I hope this change quiets some of the complaints and will seem like a fair and fun way to deal with criminal cops.

Oh, and as for officers ranked Sergeant, Lieutenant or Captain, they probably will get away with murder still, but you can't have the moon.