Truth Serum Concotion

Truth Serum Concotion

Truth Serum Concotion

Clear, tasteless liquid supplied in a vial that can be used with a dropper to contaminate beverages, foods, etc. so that it can be ingested orally (by mouth), or it can be injected. Vial comes with a blue top.


  • Versed
  • Sodium thiopental
  • Scopolamine
  • Ketamine

Ingestion method


Onset time: 15-20 minutes
Duration: 2 hours; hangover effects can last up to 36 hours


Onset time: immediate
Duration: 1 hour; hangover effects can last up to 36 hours


Addiction Potential: High


Positive Effects

  • memory loss while drug is in effect
  • alkative and cooperative with others
  • inhibited ability to lie
  • mild drowsiness but still able to communicate & cooperate with instructions given by others
  • nausea and vomiting prevention
  •  pleasant/giddy mood
  • physical dissociation (out of body feeling)
  • difficulty moving around unassisted
  •  some suggestibility/brainwashing potential


Negative Effects

  • verbal responses disorganized, slurred, delayed, or hard to understand
  • limited ability to understand or follow directions
  • nausea and/or vomiting, severe headache
  • agitation/anger
  • extreme dry mouth/thirsty
  • unable to urinate causing extreme discomfort and less cooperation
  • excessive drowsiness/sleepiness
  • hallucinations or delirium
  • moderate panic attack/bad trip/k-holes


Additional Information

  1. FULLY Effective – all or most DESIRED EFFECTS from above with NO NEGATIVE EFFECTS
  3. Effect – May not be able to tell the truth, but unable to trick; 1-4 NEGATIVE EFFECTS – choose from above
  4. Effect – Prone to telling the truth, but has the ability to mislead. Memory is hazy after event, but knows something was off, can’t remember faces. Details could come back later. 1-6 NEGATIVE EFFECTS
  5. Effect – Has a bad trip-like experience, or temporarily passes out (K-hole). EFFECTS AS DESIRED
  6. Effect – Overdose, seek medical attention


**Risk of Overdose increased if too much injected at once or multiple doses administered**

Subject/victim will test positive for benzos and barbiturates in regular drug toxicology panel, if tested within 36 hours, though particular benzo (Versed) and barbiturate (Sodium thiopental) used only detected if further testing ordered.

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