brutalnoodles resident

active 1 week, 3 days ago
I’m gonna be selling a wagon real soon, after I make it blue ’cause everyone’s got red wagons but blue wagons are extra special! View
  • 6 years, 12 months ago

    Alex J. Keaton

    February 4th 2018

    Another birthday. I’m 14 now. I don’t feel 14. I still feel like I’m just a little kid sometimes and Svenja doesn’t help. She’s always saying I’m childish and naive and silly, but I don’t see what’s wrong with wanting to think people are inherently good and they just make bad choices sometimes.  At least we’re back in Hathian n…[Read more]

  • 8 years, 7 months ago

    Alex J. Keaton

    July 14th 2016

    I dunno how you got to the bottom of one of those real big boxes we used when we moved house but I found you now so that’s okay. I guess mama must have put you there so you didn’t get lost. I’m glad you weren’t in my backpack. It got stolen! I had everything in there ’cause you know how I don’t like leaving my real important stuff…[Read more]

  • 8 years, 7 months ago

    Alex J. Keaton

    July 14th 2016


    I dunno how you got to the bottom of one of those real big boxes we used when we moved house but I found you now so that’s okay. I guess mama must have put you there so you didn’t get lost. I’m glad you weren’t in my backpack. It got stolen! I had everything in there ’cause you know how I don’t like leaving my real important…[Read more]

  • 9 years ago

    Alex J. Keaton

    February 4th 2016

    It’s my birthday today but I don’t feel good ’bout it, dad. Mark’s still missing and everyone’s saying he’s dead but I don’t believe them. He can’t be dead ’cause the bad guys can’t win again. Even mama… Mollie, I mean… she’s getting married to Nick now. How can she stop loving Mark like that? Nick’s a real bad man and he’s…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 1 month ago

    Alex J. Keaton

    This post is just to thank everyone who was involved in the assault on little AJ tonight, which was totally unexpected and so much fun. Of course, I’ve had so many other incredible RP experiences since the last time I thanked anyone on here but we’d be here until next Christmas if I tried to thank everyone right now.


    So, thanks go out…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 1 month ago

    Alex J. Keaton

    This post is just to thank everyone who was involved in the assault on little AJ tonight, which was totally unexpected and so much fun. Of course, I’ve had so many other incredible RP experiences since the last time I thanked anyone on here but we’d be here until next Christmas if I tried to thank everyone right now.




    So, thanks go out…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 3 months ago

    Alex J. Keaton

    October 29th 2015
    I went to Scouts tonight and I got to be a dalek again but it was weird ’cause I had to take my costume off so I could get a pumpkin. It was real hard but I found the best pumpkin there. It was big and round and orange and it didn’t have any scratches or cuts, and it was just right for cutting! Just like you showed me, dad. Then…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 3 months ago

    Alex J. Keaton

    October 20th 2015

    I got a girlfriend!! James said Lilly was my girlfriend and I didn’t know so I asked and she said she is and that means I’m her boyfriend now! I took her home with me and we had dinner and I showed her my bedroom and we had lots of fun until the nanny made her go home and I had to go to bed. I got a girlfriend!

    October 26th…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 4 months ago

    Alex J. Keaton

    October 18th 2015
    I’m real sorry I didn’t write for so long. I hope you wasn’t wondering what happened to me, dad, ’cause I just been real busy and things have been real weird and confusing. I don’t like when things get confusing. It’s scary sometimes, too. All sorts of stuff happened since I wrote here before.

    There was a fire at the Pie Hole…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 5 months ago

    Alex J. Keaton

    September 1st 2015
    I’m scared, dad. All that girl stuff you told me ’bout is starting now. My chest hurt real bad the last couple days and I saw there was these lump things like mama said there’d be. I don’t want to go through the girl stuff! I wanna be like the other boys. I want them to go away and I wanna get hair and get a voice like yours…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 5 months ago

    Alex J. Keaton

    August 27th 2015
    Today was scary! I was sitting on the dumpster and there was two ladies fighting right by me. They shouted lots and were real loud and then they started hitting each other and scratching and biting. I tried to get them to stop but they didn’t listen to me and then Aodhan sat by me and he tried too but they didn’t listen to him,…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 5 months ago

    Alex J. Keaton

    What’s your character’s greatest achievement?
    Fixing up an old wagon (He only sees completing something difficult as an achievement)

    What is their idea of perfect happiness?
    His family being alive again, being able to be himself without anyone questioning him, becoming a police officer just as good as his father was.

    What is their favorite pla…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 5 months ago

    Alex J. Keaton

    What’s your character’s greatest achievement?

    What is their idea of perfect happiness?
    His family being alive again, being able to be himself without anyone questioning him, becoming a police officer just as good as his father was.

    What is their favorite place to be?
    The dumpster outside the Pie Hole, where he can watch the police car…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 6 months ago

    Alex J. Keaton

    August 14th 2015
    I know it’s been a long time but I’ve been working real hard on some music. I dunno if it’s any good and it ain’t finished yet ’cause I don’t think the tune’s right yet. I gotta get it right. But I hope it don’t take much longer.

    Also, I’ve been thinking how mama took us to church every Sunday and taught us that praying’s good.…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 6 months ago

    Alex J. Keaton

    August 1st 2015
    Mark and Mollie went to some award thing today. For police officers. But I don’t think Mark got anything and that’s silly ’cause he’s a real good policeman. Almost as good as you was, Dad. And I know he’s good so the award don’t matter so much, right? I bet Mollie and Svenja and everyone else who matters knows he’s good, too. I…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 6 months ago

    Alex J. Keaton

    August 1st 2015
    Mark and Mollie went to some award thing today. For police officers. But I don’t think Mark got anything and that’s silly ’cause he’s a real good policeman. Almost as good as you was, Dad. And I know he’s good so the award don’t matter so much, right? I bet Mollie and Svenja and everyone else who matters knows he’s good, too. I…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 6 months ago

    Alex J. Keaton

    July 26th 2015
    I know I ain’t been around lots the last couple days but there’s a real good reason for it. I went to look for Jeremy on Friday but it wasn’t the right Jeremy. It was just some other man with the same name. But there can’t be that many people called Jeremy Cross, right? I didn’t talk to him or nothing. I just went to his house and…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 7 months ago

    Alex J. Keaton

    July 21st 2015
    I was gonna go to the Pie Hole for pizza today but I saw Misty hanging from the big digger by the alley. She was real silly to climb on it ‘;cause she’s so little and it’s big and dangerous, but I guess she was too silly to know it. Her nanny’s no good either ’cause she was just lying on the floor..

    There was a lady there and she…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 7 months ago

    Alex J. Keaton

    July 21st 2015

    I was gonna go to the Pie Hole for pizza today but I saw Misty hanging from the big digger by the alley. She was real silly to climb on it ‘;cause she’s so little and it’s big and dangerous, but I guess she was too silly to know it. Her nanny’s no good either ’cause she was just lying on the floor..

    There was a lady there and she…[Read more]

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