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Hathian Civil Services

Public Group  |  active 2 months, 1 week ago ago

Legal and social services in Hathian.

[New Hire] Jessica Daiton

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of LadySorvynia Resident ladysorvynia resident 3 years ago.

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Profile photo of Brina Bluebird

brina bluebird


((This post is meant to introduce my character into this work environment and help create some RP connections. After all even if I'm not online, my character goes daily there and expends at least 4 hours in the office everyday. All the information that is not in brakes is for your IC knowledge if you happen to visit the Civil Service building or work there))

Thirty four year old Jessica Daiton had just joined the Civil Services under the Social Work branch. She was born in the Hathian town but left during her college years. For some reason (Find IC) she has returned. A quite busy Financial Advisor that somehow seem to be willing to put time into the tedious work Civil Services might bring to her.

She is a bit reserved during the first days working there. Fast paced speech and even in the way she walked, showed she still kept the big city rhythm and haven't drop down to the Hathian's ways yet. Her phone, always with her, kept buzzing quite often all day long. And even she tried to focus on the assigned paper work, she would eventually get up from the chair and take some calls outside. Her commitment, at first, seem dubious, with all the distractions from her main line of work. But as day went by, her performance was really doing the talk for her, as she was a quite busy bee, balancing her phone interruptions with the tasks assigned and delivering those even sooner than expected. A possible explanation was the amount of coffee she drank in a single morning.

She was often on the last desk, which he seem to have claimed as hers, due the amount of clutter and paper work spread around. It sure could drive anyone nuts if they had to get something from there, but she seem to know where it all was. From Civil Service forms, to economy magazines passing through legal documents and her guidance manual. All quite mixed up,  even a box of Cheerios behind the computer screen as she often liked to snack on those with her hand while dealing with the paper work.

Jessica's Card for Civil Services

This card was handed to your character when you were directed to contact Jessica

((With that been said:
 -Anyone working in Civil Services is able to have Jessica's phone number and email, so, if you are inclined,  drop an IM ICly if you want to contact her, or OCC if you want to get in touch and setup RP, maybe meeting in the office or after work.
 -Any other character  that needs Civil services attention tho mainly focused on Social Works for now. Just IM and we setup something as the NPC could have given you Jessica number to assign even more work to the new one around.
Looking forward meeting you all, coworkers, users of CS and all kind of deviants that happen to bump her way))

February 8, 2022 at 1:16 am
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