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    Sarah-Michelle Buffy Gage

Columtreal University

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CU hurricane response

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of minx whiskers minx whiskers 4 months, 2 weeks ago.

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Profile photo of Sarah-Michelle Buffy Gage

sabrina morningstar


So for 2024 storm season, as the hurricane last year effectively shut down CU for 2 weeks and we lost quite a few players at that time, I've decided to take a more balanced approach this year.

Campus will remain open and business as usual but the gymnasium will become a hurricane shelter in case the storm does reach as far as Columtreal.

Being on higher ground, CU may be prone to only minor flooding and we can't guarantee any displaced wildlife won't show up.

The CUPD and the CU clinic will be on standby for any emergencies and CU Clinic employees will be asked to be on-call at all times.

Businesses should remain open, and Classes will continue as normal but should take place in the upper floors such as the lecture hall. CU has plenty of space to store supplies and with our own clinic and various food outlets, we shouldn't run short of anything. Unless there's a major disaster which is not being planned for at CU, but as always any story is fluid.

July 30, 2024 at 10:50 am
Profile photo of minx whiskers

minx whiskers


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July 30, 2024 at 1:57 pm
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