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CUPD Guide

Columtreal University Police Department Official Guide Columtreal University Police Department Last Revised: 06/26/2023 ➤Overview The Columtreal University Police Department is a full-service law enforcement agency and exists to provide an additional layer of security and law enforcement to the Columtreal University campus, and community. The CUPD is responsible for safety and security both on the main campus, all CU owned properties, and the immediate area around CU. ➤Employment Working for CUPD Working for the Columtreal University Police Department does not allow for employment with any other law enforcement agency within Hathian Parish or Laveau Parish. These agencies are as follows: Hathian Police Department Laveau Parish Sheriff’s Office (BW Sheriff’s) Laveau Parish Prison (BW Prison) OOC Note: Members of the CUPD may not be part of a criminal faction during their time in CUPD. Employment with the CUPD requires no active criminal record within [90] days of joining the group. Any member found in violation of either of these is subject to immediate group removal. Activity Requirements  All CUPD personnel are required to maintain appropriate activity to remain on the department roster. Any member who is inactive for a period of 30+ days will be pruned from the roster, and will be required to re-join to gain access to their police functions again (i.e. report filing, etc.) Non-Sworn Positions The CUPD offers a variety of non-law enforcement support positions. Civilian employees may range from CU students looking for work opportunities/experience, to regular civilians seeking employment with the university. Civilian positions range […]

Marcus January 17, 2023 September 20, 2023
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