We are looking for a player for Blue's and Niiro's son Vitali. Vitali's father is a criminal, his mother a stripper and he was more or less raised at the Twister. Nevertheless, for Hathian standards, he has a rather solid and caring family background. He has loving parents, an older sister who lives abroad (doesn't RP in CD anymore) - well, and an insane and scary, but still protective grown up foster sister.

Vitali's previous player quit a while ago and I don't think that there are many loose ends of his RP left - you can give this character a completely new start. The only thing we really want to keep is his name. Age and appearance are up to you, too - anything from 5 years upwards is possible.

Please IM us inworld if you are interested! (account names: Bluebell Noel and Niiro Handrick)