The rank structure is as follows:

Corrupt or Beat Cop
Rookie Cop

As far as promotions go, everyone should start out cutting their teeth as rookie officers this will allow myself, Lieutenants, and Sergeants to gauge their roleplay ability and activity. As long as you provide some decent roleplay and remain somewhat active you should be bumped up to either Corrupt or Beat Cop in a bout two weeks its your choice on how you want to develop your character as a police officer by either selecting the corrupt side of law enforecement or selecting the more just and righteous path to actually uphold your oath. The promotions after that will take a little a more time if you display an interest in investigations then you will want to go for your Detective's shield which is accomplished by demonstrating a good quality of roleplay and on the department's needs.

Sergeants are picked from CDPD officers that have achieved the ranks of Detective, Corrupt, or Beat Cops. Sergeants are the first line of supervision and the Captain just loves handing them down all his paperwork and plus they are responsible for keeping the rookies from constantly screwing up and supervising the overall patrol shift, the Sergeants are also responsible for over seeing and obtaining updates on the Detective's investigations. Sergeants can also be assigned to supervise special details such as an Anti-Gang Unit.

Lieutenant is a more prestigious supervisor role and acts in the Captain's place when the Captain is not on duty (or is on a all night bender). Lieutenant's also supervise the Sergeants and are often called upon to handle Internal Affair issues that the Captain sees fit to assign. Sometimes the Lieutenant will also be required to perform Sergeant duties if their is not a Sergeant on duty. You must have a signifigant amount of experience as Sergeant before being promoted to Lieutenant and the L.T. spot is filled on the department's needs.

Captain the over all commander of the CDPD Precinct. Debrief's the mayor and city council on all crime statisics. Oversees the overall command and structure of the CDPD. When a Lieutenant or a Sergeant is not available the captain will be required to act as immediate supervisor.

**Note** we are currently in the process of making a Field Training Officer role or a Senior Patrol Officer role which will be equal in rank to Detective for those who like to stay in uniform and want to move up a bit from the normal patrol activity. This role will be more than likely responsible for training rookie officers.

The Captain