You will come across childrens cases in various ways. These can include children approaching you in the office on their own or in some cases, coming in with police or adults who want to foster or adopt them. No matter how you gain your Family and Child Case this guide will help you from start to finish.

It is incredibly important to be clear when gathering IC information. A character may purposefully try to mislead you. Or they may not know the answer to the question. Be sure to ask them OOC if there is any way you are able to get this information IC.

1) During the role play in which someone has come in as a parentless child, fill in the below form. Parts in red are instructions and not included in the forms structure.

Social Worker :


Childs name : first name last name [SL name in these brackets]

Childs Age :

Status of Biological Parents : Choose, dead, alive, missing or absent

Biological Mother : first name last name [SL name in these brackets]
Biological Father : first name last name [SL name in these brackets]

Is Child Eligable for Adoption : YES OR NO

Foster Carer : first name last name [SL name in these brackets]

Foster Carer Age :

Contact Details : YES OR NO

Address : YES OR NO

Adoptive Parents : NOT APPROVED or APPROVED

Mother : first name last name [SL name in these brackets]

Father : first name last name [SL name in these brackets]


1a) Put the form in this forum :

Name the post : CHILD CASE : childs IC name
Use this topic to further update the childs file as needed

2) Once this form is filled out feel free to focus more on the role play itself. A Social Worker will usually check in with a foster family once a month. At this point in time it would ne prudent to check OOC how long and often the players would like these check in's to go on for.

3) Once the above decisions have been made and the role play has been undertaken to the point of possible adoption. You may want to ask the characters, and the players OOC. If they want to adopt the child. Or, if the child will need to find a new foster family.

4) That is it really. You can make this role go for as little as a month to a year. Just remember to communicate. And if a child is put back into the system and needs a new foster family simply update the post for their file.

If you have any suggestions or improvements for this post please IM me

Liviacray Resident