Our off-season is starting. That means the action is only more intense.

It's time to recruit.

We did an amazing job in the first season of the program. This was due to astounding dedication and creativity from many players.

To take the next step, we'll enlist even more devoted members. Our priorities in the off-season are Recruiting and Group Roleplay, because these draw personnel to the program, get them involved and keep them involved.

Before I go into that, I want to cite some really amazing contributions to the program:

Joshua Andrew-Parker made this whole thing "go." He's an endless source of ideas and technical implementation. I could not have hoped for a better partner at the head of this project.

Michiaki Yamaguchi was always there to assist the team with exciting roleplay and brilliant photography. Mich, from the beginning, was the Looters' most dedicated roleplayer.

Seth Vond also lit it up in roleplay, spreading word of the program from his inception and lending the strongest voice of the team on Twitter. His contribution to increasing the Looters' profile in-world and on social media was unequalled.

I also need to cite the many players who made it to so many Looter events, who kept the social media churning and who were stalwart roleplayers in the program: Scott Samson, Hayden Grimm, Leon Acosta, Angel Pena, Garrett Zero.

So, for the off-season, we'll be a presence in the community with a succession of events that we're working on with various other Group Admins to implement. You'll see them on the Calendar soon, but they are as follows, so mark your Calendars and be sure to bring yourself and your recruits if you can make it:

--November 1, Housewarming Party
--November 15, Charity Drive
--December 6, Lonely Hearts Dance
--December 20, CU Christmas Party

We'll also be getting a private house to base Football and Cheer roleplay. More on that soon! For now, let's talk about the guys we need for the team. These are the positions we'll all, together, be looking for recruits for:

--Full Back
--Half Back
--Free Safety

Now, here's an outline of how we'll do it, and provide incentives to do it - the Strategy, Operations and Tactics of our Group during this period.

Off-season is from October 19 to January 17. We have two priorities during this time: Recruitment and training. Bonding through this and other activities is also critical.

This can be refined to a single strategy: Enlist only the most loyal, dedicated Members and reinforce our loyal and dedication to one another.

Here’s the central idea of how we’ll do it. I intend for this to be a loose enough framework to inspire, rather than limit, your imagination, initiative and personal passions.

We’re going to continue the Credit System, because it worked well to generate play and reward. It will be focused on recruitment, though. Credit will determine how high your characters’ skills are at the beginning of next season, and their Roles in the team.

Credit will be given for any kind of Looter-related play, as usual, but for one MAJOR EXCEPTION: You must have one “Training Event” for full credit.

A TRAINING EVENT is one scene where your character AND another member of the team OR potential recruit are doing something to become physically tougher. This can include:
* Boxing together
* Intense weight training
* Martial arts
* Weapons practice
* Getting into fights
* Beating someone up

During the Off-Season, Credit gains/loses in the following way, depending if you:
…conduct no Looter RP, you lose 1 point from your skills
…tweet about training or the team, or involve the team in your RP, you maintain your skills
…conduct one TRAINING EVENT, you gain 1 point to your skills
…conduct two TRAINING EVENTS, you gain 2 points to your skills and 1 Captain Point

Here’s how you become a Captain:
A Captain Point counts toward being appointed as a team captain. There can be as many as four team captains. The members with the highest amounts of Captain Points are appointed as captains on January 3, but MUST have recruited one loyal, dedicated, active player to qualify.

Our END GOAL is to have an active off-season, with promotion and events that lead to recruitment of truly driven, active players.

We’ve shown that our variety of talents and consistent passion have distinguished the Looters Football Group. Many of you have been amazing. Let’s keep that energy high, that quality of Members high, and make our mark on the Den.

Go Looters!